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Debug Error: No source available

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CONTROLSUITE

Hello Experts, 

                    I am Using F28335, and ccs5, and I build my code successfully and I can Debug the code through resume and halt option. I tried a led blinking code buy giving high low pulses in GPIO  pins. And the leds were glow while debugging. But I could not load the program to my target device. while loading the program, ccs shows belows error. So please guide me for loading my program.

Can't find a source file at "/tmp/TI_MKLIBr6S4KF/SRC/args_main.c"
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.

Can't find a source file at "/tmp/TI_MKLIBr6S4KF/SRC/"
Locate the file or edit the source lookup path to include its location.

Thanks in  ADVANCE

                                                                                                                                 Akhil Francis

  • Akhil,

    It looks like you may have your source files in some kind of temporary folder. See if you have locate the original files and move them out of the temporary directory and into a different one. If that does not fix the issue, please respond to this thread and we can go from there.

  • Thanks for your reply Kyle, but still i get the same issue i could not load into the target device.I am using usb emlator, that is XDS100V2.
    while loading the problem i got the below error.
    No source available for "0x3ff9ce"

    I am Expecting a reply from you. thanks for your kind attention into my problem.
    Akhil Francis
  • Thanks for your reply Kyle, but still i get the same issue i could not load into the target device.I am using usb emlator, that is XDS100V2.
    while loading the problem i got the below error.
    No source available for "0x3ff9ce"

    I am Expecting a reply from you. thanks for your kind attention into my problem.
    Akhil Francis
  • Akhil,

    I was doing some testing to try to replicate the error message you are receiving. Here is what I think is happening. It sounds like you are taking the following approach.

    From the CCS edit mode, you are launching your specific target configuration for your device by right clicking on your .ccxml file and selecting Launch Selected Configuration. Now after this happens you are not actually connected to your specific device. All this does is launch the particular profile for your device. Each C2000 device has its own specific error code but they all begin with the 0x3ff*** format.

    Once you reach this point, you then have to run two additional steps before you can run your code in debug mode. The first step is to actually connect to the device you want to load your code on. This will most likely be CPU1. You can select CPU1, right click, and select Connect Target. Once you complete this step, you will now load your compiled code (in the form of a .out file) onto the connected CPU core. This is done by selecting Run from the main task bar across the top of CCS and then selecting Load, and then Load Program. Alternatively, this can be accomplished by clicking on the load icon that appears in the main pane of icons in CCS. The load icon appears as an open folder with a pair of braces.

    Once the load program box appears, the best way to proceed is to select Browse Project. This will open up a new box that will display all of the current projects that are open in your workspace. You expand the relevant folder until you find the .out file that corresponds to the C file you wrote your code in. After selecting the appropriate .out file, press ok and then ok again on the load program box. CCS will then proceed to load your .out file onto your C2000 device. If the process is successful, then CCS will enter into its Debug mode and you will be able to run your code.

    Please let us know if you have any additional questions about any of the information in this post or any follow-up questions.

  • Kyle,

    Now that error is cleared, I successfully done debugging, after debugging 2 windows were open one is,
    erasing the flash sectors other one is loading the program. after a while. I got the below error. what is missing in my code?

    C28xx: Flash operation timed out waiting for the algorithm to complete. Operation cancelled.
    C28xx: GEL: File: C:\F28335_example_nonBIOS_flash\Debug\F28335_example_nonBIOS_flash.out: Load failed.
  • Akhil,

    In the program you are developing and trying to load onto your target device, are you trying to load the program into RAM or into flash? The loading into RAM process is fairly straightforward. However, there are a few extra steps for loading a program into flash. Can you confirm whether you are trying to load your program into flash or RAM? Thanks.

  • As a follow-up, if you are trying to run your program from flash, here are some application notes that may be helpful/useful to you. Please let me know if you have any questions. ==> application note on GEL files

  • kyle,
    Thanks for your kind information. I need to load the program into flash. For connection I am using XDS100 usb emulator. Channel A and B are successfully installed, It shows in Device manager.

    this is my code

    #include "F28335_example.h" // Main include file

    //--- Global Variables
    Uint16 AdcBuf[ADC_BUF_LEN]; // ADC data buffer allocation
    Uint32 PwmDuty; // Measured PWM duty cycle
    Uint32 PwmPeriod; // Measured PWM period

    void Gpio_select(void);

    * Function: main()
    * Description: Main function for F2833x example.
    void main(void)
    //--- CPU Initialization
    InitSysCtrl(); // Initialize the CPU
    InitPieCtrl(); // Initialize and enable the PIE
    InitWatchdog(); // Initialize the Watchdog Timer
    InitGpio(); // Initialize the shared GPIO pins
    InitXintf(); // Initialize the external memory interface

    #ifdef EXAMPLE_FLASH // EXAMPLE_FLASH, if defined, is in CCS project options

    //--- Copy all Flash sections that need to run from RAM (use memcpy() from RTS library)

    // Section secureRamFuncs contains user defined code that runs from CSM secured RAM
    memcpy(&secureRamFuncs_runstart, &secureRamFuncs_loadstart, (Uint32)&secureRamFuncs_loadsize);

    //--- Initialize the Flash and OTP
    InitFlash(); // Initialize the Flash


    //--- Peripheral Initialization
    InitAdc(); // Initialize the ADC
    InitEPwm(); // Initialize the PWM
    InitECap(); // Initialize the Capture units

    //--- Enable interrupts
    SetDBGIER(IER); // Configure the DBGIER for realtime debug
    asm(" CLRC INTM, DBGM"); // Enable global interrupts and realtime debug

    //--- Main Loop

    while(1) // Dummy loop. Wait for an interrupt.



    void Gpio_select(void)



  • kyle,
    Thanks for your kind information. I need to load the program into flash. For connection I am using XDS100 usb emulator and ccs5. Channel A and B are successfully installed, It shows in Device manager.
    I got the same error again. Do i have to do any other extra settings in my ccs 5?
  • Akhil,

    I have uploaded the GEL file for the F28335 above. Try pointing to this file as one of the error messages referred to the GEL file.
  • This GEL file is found in controlSUITE. Feel free to explore the examples there for the F28335. It also includes examples for implementing code in flash. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

  • kyle,

    Now I got an another error,
    Can't Run Target CPU: (Error -1156 @ 0x0) Device may be operating in low-power mode. Do you want to bring it out of this mode? (Emulation package In the console window I am getting the below mentiponed error. C28xx: Unable to determine target status after 20 attempts C28xx: Failed to remove the debug state from the target before disconnecting. There may still be breakpoint op-codes embedded in program memory. It is recommended that you reset the emulator before you connect and reload your program before you continue debugging . None of the voltage regulators are getting heated up. So can't suspect hardware issue. Is there any other reason for this issue? If so kindly provide the solution. please do reply if you need any further details.