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Dear Champs,
I am asking this for our customer.
What is DCL_runClamp_C1 used for?
In Example_F28069_PID.c, it's before DCL_runPID_C4.
Is this has anything to do with l(k)?
Would you please explain it in more detail?
Wayne Huang
Correct. The clamp function is there to guarantee lk is either 1.0 or 0.0. This variable is used as an argument to DCL_runPID_C4 where it denotes an external saturation. When lk is 1.0 there is no external saturation; when lk is 0.0 saturation has occurred. The controller then clamps the integrator to avoid wind-up.
This example was re-written for DCL v3.3 to make this clearer. The revised code is below:
// read ADC channel
yk = ((float) AdcResult.ADCRESULT0 - 2048.0f) / 2047.0f;
// run PID controller
uk = DCL_runPID_C4(&pid1, rk, yk, lk);
// external clamp for anti-windup reset
clampactive = DCL_runClamp_C1(&uk, upperlim, lowerlim);
lk = (clampactive == 0U) ? 1.0f : 0.0f;
Version 3.3 will be released in March.