I am using drv8312 kit in CCSv5 and i am stepping through PM_Sensorless project. I seem to be running into some problems. I received an error while trying to step through build level1. Here is a list of the instructions that i followed:
1. all jumpers are in correct position (SW1 both ON, SW3 both ON), JP1 VR1, M1 H, RSTA, RSTB, RSTC in middle position.
2. connect USB cable and 24V supply, all LEDs light correct
3. open CCSv5 and load PM_Sensorless Project from ControlSuite
4. do "#define BUILDLEVEL LEVEL1"
5. Set Active Build configuration to F2806x_RAM
6. View -> new target configuration: Connection to XDS100v1 USB emulator, Board to TMS320F28069; Test connection succeded; then i linked Target to the projekt (.ccxml file appeared in the project folder)
7. then i launched debug session and added the necessary variables in the expression tab
8. Then i reset the CPU, restarted, enabled real time silicon mode and real time polite mode.
Here comes the problem. The program doesnt run and there is a window with the errer message "No source available for "0x3ff4fa"" and when i view dissasembly the program seems to be in the ESTOP0. Also the values of the variables are very unlikely (i. e. Enable Flag: 2698, SpeedRef: -3.143824e-13 or so). When i reset the CPU there cames the error message:
Trouble Reading PC Register:
(Error -1142 @ 0x0)
Device blocked debug access because it is currently executing non-debuggable code. Choose 'Rude Retry' to disable polite mode and force the operation.
(Emulation package 5.0.747.0)
When i started the program for the first time i ran correctly. I was resetting the CPU while the real time silicon mode and Polite mode were enabled. I guess that is not allowed.
I reseted the CPU for a few times, also loaded the project new and installed CCSv5 again, but there is always the same mistake. Whats the mistake? Can anybody tell me how to reset the registers to their original values and the proper way to reset the CPU and code as it seems i did not do them correctly?