Dear All,
I have a massive problem. I am working with a microcontroller F28377D. It was OK. I almost finished my application, but suddenly I got an error message when I try to debug the device. I did not change anything in my code and I don't have any breakpoints. As I said it was compiling and working fine. The error message is the end of this post. I am using the FLASH memory because my application is quite large and RAM memory is not enough. I tried to compile another project into the RAM memory and it worked ok, so I think is something about the FLASH memory. I hope somebody could help me with this issue because I am not an expert and I felt myself completely lost about this problem. Many thanks for your help.
C28xx_CPU1: If erase/program (E/P) operation is being done on one core, the other core should not execute from shared-RAM (SR) as they are used for the E/P code. Also, CPU1 will be halted to determine SR ownership for the CPU which will run the Flash Plugin code, after which CPU1 will be set to run its application. User code execution from SR could commence after both flash banks are programmed.
C28xx_CPU1: GEL Output:
Memory Map Initialization Complete
C28xx_CPU1: Trouble Removing Breakpoint with the Action "Remain Halted" at 0x1988f: (Error -1066 @ 0x1988F) Unable to set/clear requested breakpoint. Verify that the breakpoint address is in valid memory. (Emulation package 5.1.450.0)
C28xx_CPU1: Error during Flash verification (Flash algorithm returned error condition). Operation cancelled.
C28xx_CPU1: Flash verification returned error condition. Operation cancelled.
C28xx_CPU1: Error during Flash verification (Flash algorithm returned error condition). Operation cancelled.
C28xx_CPU1: Flash verification returned error condition. Operation cancelled.
C28xx_CPU1: Please make sure the memory location you are programming have not already been programmed.
C28xx_CPU1: Error during Flash programming (Flash algorithm returned error code). Operation cancelled.
C28xx_CPU1: Please make sure the memory location you are programming have not already been programmed.
C28xx_CPU1: Error during Flash programming (Flash algorithm returned error code). Operation cancelled.
C28xx_CPU1: Please make sure the memory location you are programming have not already been programmed.
C28xx_CPU1: Error during Flash verification (Flash algorithm returned error condition). Operation cancelled.
C28xx_CPU1: Flash verification returned error condition. Operation cancelled.
C28xx_CPU1: Please make sure the memory location you are programming have not already been programmed.