Good Morning
Im using a C28027 in simulink with the library "embedded coder" and i have problems to enable the I2c Pins SDA and SCL. First, can i enable what pin i can use to I2C??
when i compilate a program using I2c blocks in simulink and compilate with the Ccs 3.3 all the possible I2C pins stay in high value (3.3 volts), i mean that i cant see the clock signal in the SCL pin
i read something about a "mux values" how can i configure or change the "mux value"?
in the peripherals of the target only show me that in the i2c section
but in another targets show that, and can i assigned the pins
PD: i dont understand the example of I2c comunication for a EEPROM in that library
im trying to read a MPU6050 using simulink with I2C but first i need check the I2c comunication, that i say "i cant see the clock signal in the SCL pin"