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DRV8302-HC-C2-KIT: Issue with selecting the correct pin connection for analog foot throttle on DRV8302-HC-C2-KIT

Part Number: DRV8302-HC-C2-KIT


I am using the DRV8302-HC-C2-KIT for a senior design project. I am using it to control a BLDC motor for a small car. In order to use the motor from the board I am also using an analog foot throttle. I was able to have code flashed onto the board using code composer studio and get the motor to run fine. Although I am having trouble finding exactly what pin that I need to use on the board for my analog signal foot throttle. Not very familiar with these types of applications and need advice on this issue.   

I have attached the code that I am using. 

My foot throttle is a three wire connection - black (ground) red (power) green (speed signal)    Input signal: 5V  Output: 0.8-4.2V

Thank you for the help, 

Blake Fredieu 

/* ==============================================================================

System Name:       DRV83xx EVM Integrated Flash Image for use with GUI


File Name:      BLDC_Int_GUI_DRV83xx.c


Description: Primary system file for the Implementation of BEMF Integration with

                           GUI control


Originator:         Digital control systems Group - Texas Instruments




xx Aug 2011: Jon Warriner

================================================================================= */


// Include header files used in the main function

#include "PeripheralHeaderIncludes.h"

#include "BLDC_Int_GUI_DRV83xx-Settings.h"

#include "IQmathLib.h"

#include "BLDC_Int_GUI_DRV83xx.h"

#include "Graph_Data.h"

#include "Commros_user.h"


#include <math.h>


#define REFVOLTS 0.85

// Prototype statements for functions found within this file.

interrupt void MainISR(void);

void DeviceInit();

void MemCopy();

void InitFlash();

void Gui_DBUFF_init();


// State Machine function prototypes


// Alpha states

void A0(void);      //state A0

void B0(void);      //state B0

void C0(void);      //state C0


// A branch states

void A1(void);      //state A1

void A2(void);      //state A2

void A3(void);      //state A3


// B branch states

void B1(void);      //state B1

void B2(void);      //state B2

void B3(void);      //state B3


// C branch states

void C1(void);      //state C1

void C2(void);      //state C2

void C3(void);      //state C3


// Variable declarations

void (*Alpha_State_Ptr)(void);   // Base States pointer

void (*A_Task_Ptr)(void);        // State pointer A branch

void (*B_Task_Ptr)(void);        // State pointer B branch

void (*C_Task_Ptr)(void);        // State pointer C branch


// Used for running BackGround in flash, and ISR in RAM

extern Uint16 *RamfuncsLoadStart, *RamfuncsLoadEnd, *RamfuncsRunStart;


//GUI variables

//Want to place these in their own memory section that won't move around as

//non-gui variables are added/deleted.


struct GUI_VARS Gui;


// Global variables used in this system (but not by the GUI)

// Define the electrical motor parametes

float RS;           // Stator resistance (ohm)

float RR;   // Rotor resistance (ohm)

float LS;   // Stator inductance (H)

float LR;   // Rotor inductance (H)  

float LM;   // Magnatizing inductance (H)


// Define the base quantites for PU system conversion

float BASE_VOLTAGE; // Base peak phase voltage (volt)

float BASE_CURRENT; // Base peak phase current (amp)

float32 T;   // Samping period (sec)


_iq BemfA = 0;

_iq BemfB = 0;

_iq BemfC = 0;

_iq IDC_offset = _IQ(0.5);

_iq IA_offset = _IQ(0.5);

_iq IRef=_IQ(0.0);                      // Id reference (pu)

_iq SpeedRef=_IQ(0.0);                  // Speed reference (pu)

_iq cal_filt_gain;

_iq spd_filt_gain;

_iq DfuncRun;

AdcRegs.ADCSOC7CTL.bit.CHSEL = 4;


AdcRegs.ADCSOC7CTL.bit.ACQPS = 6;

Uint32 VirtualTimer = 0;

Uint32 IsrTicker = 0;

Uint32 CmtnPeriodTarget;

Uint32 CmtnPeriodSetpt;






Uint16 CALIBRATE_TIME = 0x07FF;         //give the calibration filters about 100ms (~10tc) to settle

Uint16 BackTicker = 0;

Uint16 PreviousState;

Uint16 SpeedLoopFlag = FALSE;

Uint16 RunBLDC_Int=0;

Uint16 ISR_FREQUENCY=20;         // Define the ISR frequency (kHz)

Uint16 PWM_FREQUENCY=20;         // Define the ISR frequency (kHz)

Uint16 control_mode = 0;


int16  VTimer0[4];                // Virtual Timers slaved off CPU Timer 0 (A events)

int16  VTimer1[4];         // Virtual Timers slaved off CPU Timer 1 (B events)

int16  VTimer2[4];         // Virtual Timers slaved off CPU Timer 2 (C events)

int16 K_VdcBus = 6632;

int16  i;                                                     // common use incrementer

_iq DlogCh1 = 0;

_iq DlogCh2 = 0;

_iq DlogCh3 = 0;

int16 LedBlinkCnt=50;

int16 DlogCurrElementIndex=0;


int16 PwmDacCh1 = 0;

int16 PwmDacCh2 = 0;

int16 PwmDacCh3 = 0;

#if defined(DRV8301) || defined(DRV8302)

int16 PwmDacCh4 = 0;



_iq *dlogptr1;

_iq *dlogptr2;

_iq *dlogptr3;


// Instance PID regulator to regulate the DC-bus current and speed




// Instance a PWM driver instance



// Instance a PWM DAC driver instance



// Instance a ramp controller to smoothly ramp the frequency



// Instance a RAMP3 Module



// Instance a MOD6 Module



// Instance a IMPULSE Module



//Instance an InstaSPIN_BLDC Module



// Instance a SPEED_PR Module



// Create an instance of DATALOG Module

struct GRAPH_DATA gdata;


#ifdef DRV8301

union DRV8301_STATUS_REG_1 DRV8301_stat_reg1;

union DRV8301_STATUS_REG_2 DRV8301_stat_reg2;

union DRV8301_CONTROL_REG_1 DRV8301_cntrl_reg1;

union DRV8301_CONTROL_REG_2 DRV8301_cntrl_reg2;

Uint16 read_drv_status = 0;



Uint32 BemfTrigCnt = 0;

Uint32 BemfLastTrigCnt = 0;

Uint16 GoodTrigCnt = 0;

Uint16 ClosedCommutationFlag = 0;

Uint16 GoodTrigCntTrip = 20;


void main(void)



       DeviceInit(); // Device Life support & GPIO   

// Only used if running from FLASH

// Note that the variable FLASH is defined by the compiler

#ifdef FLASH

// Copy time critical code and Flash setup code to RAM

// The RamfuncsLoadStart, RamfuncsLoadEnd, and RamfuncsRunStart

// symbols are created by the linker. Refer to the linker files.

       MemCopy(&RamfuncsLoadStart, &RamfuncsLoadEnd, &RamfuncsRunStart);


// Call Flash Initialization to setup flash waitstates

// This function must reside in RAM

       InitFlash(); // Call the flash wrapper init function

#endif //(FLASH)


// Tasks State-machine init

       Alpha_State_Ptr = &A0;

       A_Task_Ptr = &A1;

       B_Task_Ptr = &B1;

//     C_Task_Ptr = &C1;


// Configure CPU-Timer 2 to interrupt every ISR Period:

// 60MHz CPU Freq, ISR Period (in uSeconds)

// This function is found in DSP280x_CpuTimers.c

//jpw  InitCpuTimers();

//jpw  ConfigCpuTimer(&CpuTimer0, 60, SYSTEM_FREQUENCY*10/ISR_FREQUENCY);

//jpw   StartCpuTimer0();


#ifdef DRV8301

// Initialize SPI for communication to the DRV8301




// Timing sync for background loops

// Timer period definitions found in device specific PeripheralHeaderIncludes.h

//     CpuTimer0Regs.PRD.all = mSec1;         //

       CpuTimer1Regs.PRD.all = mSec1;         // A tasks

       CpuTimer2Regs.PRD.all = mSec5;         // B tasks


       Gui.Ref = _IQ(0.0); //originally 0.3                                                           //written by the Reference knob in the GUI

       Gui.CurrentDisplay = _IQ(0.0);                                            //read by the GUI to display motor current

       Gui.DfuncStartup = _IQ(0.1);                                              //written by the GUI to set startup duty cycle

#if defined(DRV8312)

       Gui.CurrentStartup = _IQ(0.1);                                            //written by the GUI to set startup duty cycle


#if defined(DRV8301) || defined(DRV8302)

       Gui.CurrentStartup = _IQ(0.02);                                           //written by the GUI to set startup duty cycle


       Gui.Threshold = _IQ(2);   //originally .4                                              //written by the GUI to set Integration threshold

#if defined(DRV8312)

       Gui.Current_Kp = _IQ(0.1);


#if defined(DRV8301) || defined(DRV8302)

       Gui.Current_Kp = _IQ(1.0);


       Gui.Velocity_Kp = _IQ(0.5);


       Gui.I_max = _IQ(0.95);


       Gui.RampUpTime = 25;

       Gui.CommErrorMax = 1.0;

       Gui.TripCnt = 3;

       Gui.AdvancedStartup = 0;


       Gui.SpeedRPM = 0;                                                                //read by the GUI to display motor speed in RPM

       Gui.BEGIN_START_RPM = 50;                                                 //written by the GUI to set start speed of ramp up controller

       Gui.END_START_RPM = 100;                                                  //written by the GUI to set end speed of ramp up controller


       Gui.current_mode = 0;

       Gui.velocity_mode = 0;

       Gui.ResetFault = 0;

       Gui.POLES = 48;    // Number of poles originally 8

       Gui.Current_Ki = 20;

       Gui.Velocity_Ki = 3;

       Gui.Prescaler = 1;




       Gui.DRVOTWFlag = 0;

       Gui.EnableFlag = TRUE; //originally FALSE

       Gui.VdcBus = 0;

#if defined(DRV8312)

       Gui.Max_VDC = 2880;

       Gui.Min_VDC = 1920;


#if defined(DRV8301) || defined(DRV8302)

       Gui.Max_VDC = 6000;

       Gui.Min_VDC = 800;



// Reassign ISRs.

       EALLOW;      // This is needed to write to EALLOW protected registers

       PieVectTable.ADCINT1 = &MainISR;

       EDIS;   // This is needed to disable write to EALLOW protected registers


// Enable PIE group 1 interrupt 1 for ADCINT1

   PieCtrlRegs.PIEIER1.all = M_INT1;




       // Define the base quantites for PU system conversion

       BASE_VOLTAGE = 66.32;            // Base peak phase voltage (volt), maximum measurable DC Bus

#if defined(DRV8312)

       BASE_CURRENT = 8.6;              // Base peak phase current (amp)


#if defined(DRV8301) || defined(DRV8302)

//options for BASE_CURRENT based on DRV830x current-sense amplifier gain setting

//NOTE: DRV8302 can only be set to gain of 10 or 40

       BASE_CURRENT = 82.5;             // Base peak phase current (amp) , maximum measurable peak current (with DRV830x gain set to 10)

//     BASE_CURRENT = 41.25;            // Base peak phase current (amp) , maximum measurable peak current (with DRV830x gain set to 20)

//     BASE_CURRENT = 20.625;           // Base peak phase current (amp) , maximum measurable peak current (with DRV830x gain set to 40)

//     BASE_CURRENT = 10.3125;          // Base peak phase current (amp) , maximum measurable peak current (with DRV830x gain set to 80)


       Gui.BASE_FREQ = 200;                   // Base electrical frequency (Hz)


       // Define the ISR frequency (kHz)



       T = 0.001/ISR_FREQUENCY;   // Samping period (sec), see parameter.h


// Initialize the PWM control module

       pwmcntl1.PWMprd = SYSTEM_FREQUENCY*1000000*T/2;                          // Set the pwm period for this example




// Initialize PWMDAC module

       pwmdac1.PeriodMax = 500;   // 3000->10kHz, 1500->20kHz, 1000-> 30kHz, 500->60kHz

   pwmdac1.PwmDacInPointer0 = &PwmDacCh1;

   pwmdac1.PwmDacInPointer1 = &PwmDacCh2;

   pwmdac1.PwmDacInPointer2 = &PwmDacCh3;

#if defined(DRV8301) || defined(DRV8302)

   pwmdac1.PwmDacInPointer3 = &PwmDacCh4;






       CmtnPeriodTarget = RAMP_END_RATE;

       CmtnPeriodSetpt = RAMP_START_RATE;


// Initialize DATALOG module

   gdata.ch1_ptr = &DlogCh1;

   gdata.ch2_ptr = &DlogCh2;

   gdata.ch3_ptr = &DlogCh3;

   gdata.trig_value = 1;

   gdata.size = 0x100;

   gdata.prescalar = Gui.Prescaler;

   gdata.holdoff = 10000;






// Initialize ADC module (F2803XIDC_VEMF.H)



// Initialize the SPEED_PR module

      speed1.InputSelect = 0;

      speed1.BaseRpm = 120*(Gui.BASE_FREQ/Gui.POLES);

      speed1.SpeedScaler = (Uint32)(ISR_FREQUENCY/(1*(float32)Gui.BASE_FREQ*0.001));


// Initialize RMPCNTL module

   rc1.RampDelayMax = 1;

   rc1.RampLowLimit = _IQ(-1.0);

   rc1.RampHighLimit = _IQ(1.0);


// Initialize RMP3 module

       rmp3.DesiredInput = CmtnPeriodTarget;

       rmp3.Ramp3Delay = (Uint32)(((float32)Gui.RampUpTime * 0.001)/((float32)(CmtnPeriodSetpt - CmtnPeriodTarget) * T));

   rmp3.Out = CmtnPeriodSetpt;

   rmp3.Ramp3Min = CmtnPeriodTarget;


//Initialize the INSTASPIN_BLDC module

       InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VaOffset = 0;

       InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VbOffset = 0;

       InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VcOffset = 0;

       InstaSPIN_BLDC1.Int_Threshold = Gui.Threshold;


// Initialize the PID_GRANDO_CONTROLLER module for dc-bus current

   pid1_idc.param.Kp = Gui.Current_Kp;

   pid1_idc.param.Kr = _IQ(1.0);

       pid1_idc.param.Ki = _IQ(T * (float32)Gui.Current_Ki);

       pid1_idc.param.Kd = _IQ(0/T);

   pid1_idc.param.Km = _IQ(1.0);

   pid1_idc.param.Umax = _IQ(0.95);

   pid1_idc.param.Umin = _IQ(-0.95);


// Initialize the PID_GRANDO_CONTROLLER module for Speed

   pid1_spd.param.Kp = Gui.Velocity_Kp;

   pid1_spd.param.Kr = _IQ(1.0);

       pid1_spd.param.Ki = _IQ(T * (float32)Gui.Velocity_Ki);

       pid1_spd.param.Kd = _IQ(0/T);

   pid1_spd.param.Km = _IQ(1.0);

   pid1_spd.param.Umax = Gui.I_max;

   pid1_spd.param.Umin = -Gui.I_max;


// Initialize the current offset calibration filter

       cal_filt_gain = _IQ(T/(T+TC_CAL));


// Initialize the current offset calibration filter

       spd_filt_gain = _IQ(T/(T+TC_SPD));


// Enable CPU INT1 for ADCINT1:

       IER |= M_INT1;


// Enable global Interrupts and higher priority real-time debug events:

       EINT;   // Enable Global interrupt INTM

       ERTM;  // Enable Global realtime interrupt DBGM


// IDLE loop. Just sit and loop forever:     

       for(;;) //infinite loop


              // State machine entry & exit point


              (*Alpha_State_Ptr)();     // jump to an Alpha state (A0,B0,...)




              //try to detect and reset any SCI errors

              //Specifically recover from a break detect that

              //results when the USB cable is plugged in.

              //The FTDI chip spews some long pulses on its

              //Tx pin at power-up. If C2000 is running when

              //this happens it triggers SCI break detect.



                     GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO31 = 1;

                     SciaRegs.SCICTL1.bit.SWRESET = 0;

                     SciaRegs.SCICTL1.bit.SWRESET = 1;




                     GpioDataRegs.GPASET.bit.GPIO31 = 1;



              // Update current and velocity loop PI gains from GUI

      pid1_idc.param.Kp = Gui.Current_Kp;

              pid1_idc.param.Ki = _IQ(T * (float32)Gui.Current_Ki);

      pid1_spd.param.Kp = Gui.Velocity_Kp;

              pid1_spd.param.Ki = _IQ(T * (float32)Gui.Velocity_Ki);


              gdata.prescalar = Gui.Prescaler;

              GoodTrigCntTrip = (Uint16)(((Gui.CommErrorMax / T) * 0.001) + 0.5);


#ifdef DRV8301

              //read the status registers from the DRV8301



                     DRV8301_stat_reg1.all = DRV8301_SPI_Read(&SpibRegs,STAT_REG_1_ADDR);

                     DRV8301_stat_reg2.all = DRV8301_SPI_Read(&SpibRegs,STAT_REG_2_ADDR);

                     read_drv_status = 0;












//--------------------------------- FRAMEWORK -------------------------------------

void A0(void)


       // loop rate synchronizer for A-tasks

       if(CpuTimer1Regs.TCR.bit.TIF == 1)


              CpuTimer1Regs.TCR.bit.TIF = 1;   // clear flag



              (*A_Task_Ptr)();           // jump to an A Task (A1,A2,A3,...)



              VTimer0[0]++;              // virtual timer 0, instance 0 (spare)



       Alpha_State_Ptr = &B0;           // Comment out to allow only A tasks



void B0(void)


       // loop rate synchronizer for B-tasks

       if(CpuTimer2Regs.TCR.bit.TIF == 1)


              CpuTimer2Regs.TCR.bit.TIF = 1;                       // clear flag



              (*B_Task_Ptr)();           // jump to a B Task (B1,B2,B3,...)


              VTimer1[0]++;              // virtual timer 1, instance 0 (spare)



       Alpha_State_Ptr = &A0;           // Allow C state tasks




//     A - TASKS (executed in every 1 msec)



void A1(void) // Used to enable disable PWM's for the inverter







              //shut down all PWMs

#if defined (DRV8312)





#if defined(DRV8301) || defined(DRV8302)

              //de-assert the DRV830x EN_GATE pin

              GpioDataRegs.GPBCLEAR.bit.GPIO39 = 1;


              EPwm1Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA=0;      // PWM 1A - PhaseA

              EPwm2Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA=0;      // PWM 2A - PhaseB

              EPwm3Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA=0;      // PWM 3A - PhaseC


              if(Gui.ResetFault == 1)


#if defined (DRV8312)

                     //reset the DRV chip

                     GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO1 = 1;

                     GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO3 = 1;

                     GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO5 = 1;


#if defined(DRV8301) || defined(DRV8302)

                     //de-assert the DRV830x EN_GATE pin

                     GpioDataRegs.GPBCLEAR.bit.GPIO39 = 1;


                   Gui.ResetFault = 2;


              else if(Gui.ResetFault == 2)


                   //reset the trip zone







                     Gui.ResetFault = 0;

                     Gui.DRVFaultFlag = 0;



              //zero all displayed variables when disabled

              Gui.SpeedRPM = 0;

              speed1.SpeedRpm = 0;

              speed1.Speed = 0;

              Gui.CurrentDisplay = 0;

              CALIBRATE_FLAG = 1;

              InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VaOffset = 0;

              InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VbOffset = 0;

              InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VcOffset = 0;

              IDC_offset = _IQ(0.5);





       // if motor type is not defined

       if((Gui.EnableFlag == TRUE) && (RunBLDC_Int == FALSE))


              // Read GUI_SpeedRef Only when you have enabled the motor

              SpeedRef = Gui.Ref;


              if((RunBLDC_Int == 0) && (Gui.DRVFaultFlag == 0))


#if defined(DRV8301) || defined(DRV8302)

                     //assert the DRV830x EN_GATE pin

                     GpioDataRegs.GPBSET.bit.GPIO39 = 1;


                     DELAY_US(50000);           //delay to allow DRV830x supplies to ramp up


#ifdef DRV8301

                     DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.GATE_CURRENT = 0;             // full current 1.7A

//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.GATE_CURRENT = 1;             // med current 0.7A

//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.GATE_CURRENT = 2;             // min current 0.25A

                     DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.GATE_RESET = 0;               // Normal Mode

                     DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.PWM_MODE = 0;                 // six independant PWMs

//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.OC_MODE = 0;                         // current limiting when OC detected

                     DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.OC_MODE = 1;                         // latched OC shutdown

//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.OC_MODE = 2;                         // Report on OCTWn pin and SPI reg only, no shut-down

//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.OC_MODE = 3;                         // OC protection disabled

//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.OC_ADJ_SET = 0;               // OC @ Vds=0.060V

//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.OC_ADJ_SET = 4;               // OC @ Vds=0.097V

//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.OC_ADJ_SET = 6;               // OC @ Vds=0.123V

//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.OC_ADJ_SET = 9;               // OC @ Vds=0.175V

                     DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.OC_ADJ_SET = 15;              // OC @ Vds=0.358V

//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.OC_ADJ_SET = 16;              // OC @ Vds=0.403V

//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.OC_ADJ_SET = 17;              // OC @ Vds=0.454V

//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.OC_ADJ_SET = 18;              // OC @ Vds=0.511V

                     DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.bit.Reserved = 0;


//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg2.bit.OCTW_SET = 0;                 // report OT and OC

                     DRV8301_cntrl_reg2.bit.OCTW_SET = 1;                 // report OT only

                     DRV8301_cntrl_reg2.bit.GAIN = 0;                     // CS amplifier gain = 10

//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg2.bit.GAIN = 1;                     // CS amplifier gain = 20

//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg2.bit.GAIN = 2;                     // CS amplifier gain = 40

//                  DRV8301_cntrl_reg2.bit.GAIN = 3;                     // CS amplifier gain = 80

                     DRV8301_cntrl_reg2.bit.DC_CAL_CH1 = 0;               // not in CS calibrate mode

                     DRV8301_cntrl_reg2.bit.DC_CAL_CH2 = 0;               // not in CS calibrate mode

                     DRV8301_cntrl_reg2.bit.OC_TOFF = 0;                         // normal mode

                     DRV8301_cntrl_reg2.bit.Reserved = 0;


                     //write to DRV8301 control register 1, returns status register 1

                     DRV8301_stat_reg1.all = DRV8301_SPI_Write(&SpibRegs,CNTRL_REG_1_ADDR,DRV8301_cntrl_reg1.all);

                     //write to DRV8301 control register 2, returns status register 1

                     DRV8301_stat_reg1.all = DRV8301_SPI_Write(&SpibRegs,CNTRL_REG_2_ADDR,DRV8301_cntrl_reg2.all);




                     // Define the base quantites for PU system conversion

                     BASE_VOLTAGE = 66.32;            // Base peak phase voltage (volt), maximum measurable DC Bus

#if defined(DRV8312)

                     BASE_CURRENT = 8.6;              // Base peak phase current (amp)


#if defined(DRV8301) || defined(DRV8302)

//options for BASE_CURRENT based on DRV830x current-sense amplifier gain setting

//NOTE: DRV8302 can only be set to gain of 10 or 40

                     BASE_CURRENT = 82.5;             // Base peak phase current (amp) , maximum measurable peak current (with DRV830x gain set to 10)

//                  BASE_CURRENT = 41.25;            // Base peak phase current (amp) , maximum measurable peak current (with DRV830x gain set to 20)

//                  BASE_CURRENT = 20.625;           // Base peak phase current (amp) , maximum measurable peak current (with DRV830x gain set to 40)

//                  BASE_CURRENT = 10.3125;          // Base peak phase current (amp) , maximum measurable peak current (with DRV830x gain set to 80)



                     // Define the ISR frequency (kHz)


                     T = 0.001/ISR_FREQUENCY;   // Samping period (sec), see parameter.h


                    speed1.InputSelect = 0;

                    speed1.BaseRpm = 120*(Gui.BASE_FREQ/Gui.POLES);

                    speed1.SpeedScaler = (Uint32)(ISR_FREQUENCY/(1*(float32)Gui.BASE_FREQ*0.001));

                     speed1.InputSelect = 0;

                     speed1.NewTimeStamp = 0;

                     speed1.OldTimeStamp = 0;

                     speed1.EventPeriod = 0;

                     speed1.Speed = 0;

                     VirtualTimer = 0;


                     rc1.EqualFlag = 0;

                     rc1.RampDelayCount = 0;

                     rc1.TargetValue = 0;


                     //The speed at the end of the ramp should always be greater than the speed at the beginning of the ramp

                     //If the GUI entries violate this use

                     //BEGIN_START_RPM = 50

                     //BEGIN_END_RPM = 100

                     if(Gui.END_START_RPM > Gui.BEGIN_START_RPM)


                           RAMP_START_RATE = (PWM_FREQUENCY*1000)*60.0/Gui.BEGIN_START_RPM/COMMUTATES_PER_E_REV/(Gui.POLES/2.0);

                           RAMP_END_RATE = (PWM_FREQUENCY*1000)*60.0/Gui.END_START_RPM/COMMUTATES_PER_E_REV/(Gui.POLES/2.0);




                           RAMP_START_RATE = (PWM_FREQUENCY*1000)*60.0/50/COMMUTATES_PER_E_REV/(Gui.POLES/2.0);

                           RAMP_END_RATE = (PWM_FREQUENCY*1000)*60.0/100/COMMUTATES_PER_E_REV/(Gui.POLES/2.0);



                     CmtnPeriodTarget = RAMP_END_RATE;

                     CmtnPeriodSetpt = RAMP_START_RATE;

                     rmp3.Ramp3Delay = (Uint32)(((float32)Gui.RampUpTime * 0.001)/((float32)(CmtnPeriodSetpt - CmtnPeriodTarget) * T));

                     rmp3.DesiredInput = CmtnPeriodTarget;

             rmp3.Out = CmtnPeriodSetpt;

                     rmp3.Ramp3Min = CmtnPeriodTarget;

                     rmp3.Ramp3DelayCount = 0;

                     rmp3.Ramp3DoneFlag = 0;


                     impl1.Counter = 0;

                     impl1.Out = 0;


                     mod_dir1.Counter = 0;


                     SpeedLoopFlag = FALSE;


            = 0;

            = 0;

            = 0;

            = 0;

            = 0;

            = 0;

            = 0;

            = 0;

                     pid1_idc.term.Out = 0;


            = 0;

            = 0;

            = 0;

            = 0;

            = 0;

            = 0;

            = 0;

            = 0;

                     pid1_spd.term.Out = 0;

             pid1_spd.param.Umax = Gui.I_max;

             pid1_spd.param.Umin = -Gui.I_max;


                     DfuncRun = Gui.DfuncStartup;

                     BemfTrigCnt = 0;

                     BemfLastTrigCnt = 0;

                     GoodTrigCnt = 0;

                     ClosedCommutationFlag = 0;

                     InstaSPIN_BLDC1.V_int = 0;


                     //set control_mode based on check box settings from GUI

                     //VOLTAGE           0                    //open-loop volage mode only

                     //CURRENT           1                    //closed-loop current control

                     //VELOCITY          2                    //closed-loop velocity control

                     //CASCADE           3                    //cascaded closed-loop velocity->current control

                     //velocity loop check box writes either 0 (disabled) or 2 (enabled)

                     //current loop check box writes either 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled)

                     control_mode = Gui.velocity_mode + Gui.current_mode;













       //the next time CpuTimer0 'counter' reaches Period value go to A2

       A_Task_Ptr = &A2;





void A2(void) // SPARE (not used)




       //the next time CpuTimer0 'counter' reaches Period value go to A3

       A_Task_Ptr = &A1;





void A3(void) // SPARE (not used)





       //the next time CpuTimer0 'counter' reaches Period value go to A1

       A_Task_Ptr = &A1;





//     B - TASKS (executed in every 5 msec)



//----------------------------------- USER ----------------------------------------



void B1(void) // Toggle GPIO-34







                     GpioDataRegs.GPBTOGGLE.bit.GPIO34 = 1; //turn on/off LD3 on the controlCARD










                     GpioDataRegs.GPBTOGGLE.bit.GPIO34 = 1; //turn on/off LD3 on the controlCARD







       Gui.VdcBus = ( (long) AdcResult.ADCRESULT6 * (long) K_VdcBus ) >> 12;


       if(Gui.VdcBus < Gui.Min_VDC)


              Gui.OverVoltage = 0;


       else if(Gui.VdcBus > Gui.Max_VDC)


              Gui.OverVoltage = 2;




              Gui.OverVoltage = 1;



       if(Gui.OverVoltage != 1)


              EPwm1Regs.TZFRC.bit.OST = 1;

              EPwm2Regs.TZFRC.bit.OST = 1;           

              EPwm3Regs.TZFRC.bit.OST = 1;           



       //ignore FAULTn when disabled

       //There is a blip on this pin when the DRV8301 ENABLE is de-asserted

       if((GpioDataRegs.GPADAT.bit.GPIO14 == 0) && RunBLDC_Int)





       if(GpioDataRegs.GPADAT.bit.GPIO13 == 1)


              Gui.DRVOTWFlag = 0;




              Gui.DRVOTWFlag = 1;



       //the next time CpuTimer1 'counter' reaches Period value go to B2

       B_Task_Ptr = &B2;  





void B2(void) // SPARE





       //the next time CpuTimer1 'counter' reaches Period value go to B3

       B_Task_Ptr = &B1;





void B3(void) // SPARE





       //the next time CpuTimer1 'counter' reaches Period value go to B1

       B_Task_Ptr = &B1;  





interrupt void MainISR(void)


       _iq IDCfdbk;

       _iq iqVaIn;

       _iq iqVbIn;

       _iq iqVcIn;

       _iq iqIA;

       float ADCValue; //ADC Signal value from throttle

       float normSpeed; //convert speed between 0 and .89


       GpioDataRegs.GPASET.bit.GPIO22 = 1;


// Verifying the ISR







// PMSM Motor

if (RunBLDC_Int==1 && Gui.VdcBus>Gui.Min_VDC && Gui.VdcBus<Gui.Max_VDC)




// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//   ADC conversion and offset adjustment

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              iqVaIn = _IQ15toIQ((AdcResult.ADCRESULT1<<3))-InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VaOffset;

              iqVbIn = _IQ15toIQ((AdcResult.ADCRESULT2<<3))-InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VbOffset;

              iqVcIn = _IQ15toIQ((AdcResult.ADCRESULT3<<3))-InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VcOffset;



// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// LPF to average the calibration offsets

// Use the offsets calculated here to initialize BemfA_offset, BemfB_offset

// and BemfC_offset so that they are used for the remaining build levels

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

      InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VaOffset = _IQmpy(cal_filt_gain,iqVaIn) + InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VaOffset;

      InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VbOffset = _IQmpy(cal_filt_gain,iqVbIn) + InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VbOffset;

      InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VcOffset = _IQmpy(cal_filt_gain,iqVcIn) + InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VcOffset;

      IA_offset = _IQmpy(cal_filt_gain,iqIA) + IA_offset;

      IDC_offset = _IQmpy(cal_filt_gain,IDCfdbk) + IDC_offset;


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// force all PWMs to 0% duty cycle

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------





              EPwm1Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA=0;      // PWM 1A - PhaseA

              EPwm2Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA=0;      // PWM 2A - PhaseB

              EPwm3Regs.CMPA.half.CMPA=0;      // PWM 3A - PhaseC







// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//   ADC conversion and offset adjustment

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       iqVaIn = _IQ15toIQ((AdcResult.ADCRESULT1<<3));

       iqVbIn = _IQ15toIQ((AdcResult.ADCRESULT2<<3));

       iqVcIn = _IQ15toIQ((AdcResult.ADCRESULT3<<3));


#if defined (DRV8312)



#if defined(DRV8301) || defined(DRV8302)




// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//   Connect inputs of the MOD6 module and call the Modulo 6 counter macro.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  

       if(Gui.Ref > _IQ(0.0))


              mod_dir1.CntDirection = _IQ(1.0);




              mod_dir1.CntDirection = _IQ(-1.0);


       PreviousState = mod_dir1.Counter;



// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//   Connect inputs of the SPEED_PR module and call the speed calculation macro.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       //while counting up we want positive speed



              speed1.TimeStamp = VirtualTimer;


              SpeedLoopFlag = TRUE;


       //while counting down we want negative speed

       else if((mod_dir1.Counter==0)&&(PreviousState==1)&&(mod_dir1.TrigInput))


              speed1.TimeStamp = VirtualTimer;


              speed1.Speed = _IQmpy(speed1.Speed,_IQ(-1.0));

              speed1.SpeedRpm = _IQmpy(speed1.SpeedRpm,_IQ(-1.0));

              SpeedLoopFlag = TRUE;



// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//   Connect inputs of the INSTASPIN_BLDC module and call the INSTASPIN_BLDC function.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       InstaSPIN_BLDC1.Vag = iqVaIn - InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VaOffset;          // Adjust for offset of Va_in

       InstaSPIN_BLDC1.Vbg = iqVbIn - InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VbOffset;          // Adjust for offset of Vb_in

       InstaSPIN_BLDC1.Vcg = iqVcIn - InstaSPIN_BLDC1.VcOffset;          // Adjust for offset of Vc_in

       InstaSPIN_BLDC1.State = mod_dir1.Counter;                                       // Update the state


       mod_dir1.TrigInput = InstaSPIN_BLDC1.Comm_Trig;


       if((ClosedCommutationFlag == 0) || (SpeedLoopFlag == FALSE))


              // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              //   Connect inputs of the RMP3 module and call the Ramp control 3 macro.

              // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//            rmp3.DesiredInput = CmtnPeriodTarget;



              // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              //   Connect inputs of the IMPULSE module and call the Impulse macro.

              // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------    

              impl1.Period = rmp3.Out;



              // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

              //   Connect inputs of the MOD6 module and call the Modulo 6 counter macro.

              // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------  

              mod_dir1.TrigInput = impl1.Out;


              //using advanced startup to count commutation matches?



                     //When the BEMF signals it's time to commutate, compare

                     //against the forced commutation period



                           BemfLastTrigCnt = BemfTrigCnt;

                           BemfTrigCnt = 0;

                           //check if the forced commutation period and the BEMF commutation period

                           //are within the allowed error window

                           if(labs(BemfLastTrigCnt - impl1.Period) < GoodTrigCntTrip)






                                  GoodTrigCnt = 0;


                           BemfLastTrigCnt = 0;






                     //Check if there are enough commutation matches to switch to closed commutation mode

                     if(GoodTrigCnt > Gui.TripCnt)


                           ClosedCommutationFlag = 1;



              //if we're not using advanced startup just switch to closed

              //commutation mode at the end of the startup ramp.

              else if(rmp3.Ramp3DoneFlag != 0)


                     ClosedCommutationFlag = 1;






                     case VOLTAGE:

                           if(ClosedCommutationFlag == 0)


                                  SpeedLoopFlag = 1;         //no need to wait for speed feedback update in this mode.

                                  rc1.SetpointValue = _IQmpy(Gui.DfuncStartup,mod_dir1.CntDirection);




                                   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  //   Connect inputs of the RMP module and call the Ramp control macro.

                                  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          rc1.TargetValue = Gui.Ref;



                           // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           //   Connect inputs of the PWM_DRV module and call the PWM signal generation

                           //   update macro.

                           // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           pwmcntl1.State = (int16)mod_dir1.Counter;

                           pwmcntl1.Duty = rc1.SetpointValue;





                     case CURRENT:

                           IRef = Gui.Ref;

                           if(ClosedCommutationFlag == 0)


                                  SpeedLoopFlag = 1;         //no need to wait for speed feedback update in this mode.

                                  IRef = _IQmpy(Gui.CurrentStartup,mod_dir1.CntDirection); //use startup current during initial ramp


                           // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           //   Connect inputs of the PID_REG3 module and call the PID current controller

                           //     macro.

                           // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   pid1_idc.term.Ref = IRef;

                          pid1_idc.term.Fbk = _IQmpy(IDCfdbk,mod_dir1.CntDirection);



                           // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           //   Connect inputs of the PWM_DRV module and call the PWM signal generation

                           //   update macro.

                           // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           pwmcntl1.State = (int16)mod_dir1.Counter;

                           pwmcntl1.Duty = pid1_idc.term.Out;




                     case VELOCITY:

                    SpeedRef = Gui.Ref;


                           // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           //   Connect inputs of the PID_REG3 module and call the PID current controller

                           //     macro.

                           // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           pwmcntl1.State = (int16)mod_dir1.Counter;

                           // Switch from fixed duty-cycle or controlled Speed duty-cycle by SpeedLoopFlag variable

                   if((ClosedCommutationFlag == 0) || (SpeedLoopFlag == FALSE))


                          pwmcntl1.Duty = _IQmpy(Gui.DfuncStartup,mod_dir1.CntDirection);                 // fixed duty-cycle




                                  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  //   Connect inputs of the PID_REG3 module and call the PID speed controller

                                  //     macro.

                                  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          pid1_spd.term.Ref = SpeedRef;

                          pid1_spd.term.Fbk = speed1.Speed;



                          pwmcntl1.Duty = pid1_spd.term.Out;   // controlled Speed duty-cycle





                     case CASCADE:

                    SpeedRef = Gui.Ref;

                           // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           //   Connect inputs of the PID_REG3 module and call the PID current controller

                           //     macro.

                           // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                   if((ClosedCommutationFlag == 0) || (SpeedLoopFlag == FALSE))


                          pid1_idc.term.Ref = _IQmpy(Gui.CurrentStartup,mod_dir1.CntDirection);




                                  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                                  //   Connect inputs of the PID_REG3 module and call the PID speed controller

                                  //     macro.

                                  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                          pid1_spd.term.Ref = SpeedRef;

                          pid1_spd.term.Fbk = speed1.Speed;



                          pid1_idc.term.Ref = pid1_spd.term.Out;


                           pid1_idc.term.Fbk = _IQmpy(IDCfdbk,mod_dir1.CntDirection);


                           // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           //   Connect inputs of the PWM_DRV module and call the PWM signal generation

                           //   update macro.

                           // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           pwmcntl1.State = (int16)mod_dir1.Counter;

                   pwmcntl1.Duty = pid1_idc.term.Out;





                           // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           //   Connect inputs of the PWM_DRV module and call the PWM signal generation

                           //   update macro.

                           // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

                           pwmcntl1.State = 0;

                           pwmcntl1.Duty = 0;







       //Filter the displayed speed

       Gui.Speed = _IQmpy(spd_filt_gain,speed1.Speed - Gui.Speed) + Gui.Speed;

       Gui.SpeedRPM = _IQmpy(speed1.BaseRpm,Gui.Speed);


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//   Connect inputs of the PWMDAC module

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------   

/*     PwmDacCh1 = _IQtoQ15(InstaSPIN_BLDC1.V_int);

       PwmDacCh2 = _IQtoQ15(InstaSPIN_BLDC1.Vag);

       PwmDacCh3 = _IQtoQ15(iqIA);

#if defined(DRV8301) || defined(DRV8302)

       PwmDacCh4 = _IQtoQ15(InstaSPIN_BLDC1.V_int);


       PwmDacCh1 = _IQtoQ15(InstaSPIN_BLDC1.V_int);

       PwmDacCh2 = (int16)(mod_dir1.Counter * 4096.0L);

       PwmDacCh3 = (int16)(GoodTrigCnt * 4096.0L);

#if defined(DRV8301) || defined(DRV8302)

       PwmDacCh4 = (int16)impl1.Out;



// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//   Connect inputs of the DATALOG module

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

       DlogCh1 = InstaSPIN_BLDC1.V_int;

       DlogCh2 = InstaSPIN_BLDC1.Vag;

       DlogCh3 = iqIA;


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//   Increase virtual timer and force 15 bit wrap around

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------


       VirtualTimer &= 0x00007FFF;


//     Gui.SpeedRPM = speed1.SpeedRpm;

       Gui.CurrentDisplay = IDCfdbk;

   InstaSPIN_BLDC1.Int_Threshold = Gui.Threshold;






// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//   Call the PWMDAC update macro.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------



// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

//   Call the DATALOG update function.

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------



       GpioDataRegs.GPACLEAR.bit.GPIO22 = 1;


#if (DSP2803x_DEVICE_H==1)||(DSP280x_DEVICE_H==1)||(F2806x_DEVICE_H==1)

       AdcRegs.ADCINTFLGCLR.bit.ADCINT1 = 1;         // Clear ADCINT1 flag reinitialize for next SOC   


// Acknowledge interrupt to recieve more interrupts from PIE group 1

       PieCtrlRegs.PIEACK.all = PIEACK_GROUP1;





void Gui_DBUFF_init()






















// No more.






  • You can connect the analog signal foot throttle to a rest ADC pin of C2000 controller, and then configure the ADC channel to sample the input of throttle, convert the analog input to the target torque current or speed.
    Please be noted, you need to add a voltage divider to convert the input range from 0~5V to 0~3.3V to match the input range of C2000 ADC.
  • Okay, so would these ADC pins be located on "J5" (External Control Access) ? I see pins.. #29 "ADC-Vhb1" , #31 "ADC-Vhb2", #32 "ADC-Vhb3". Would these work for the analog speed input? Also I'm not quite sure how to configure the ADC channel in the code, do you think a sample could be provided? I think that may be the biggest issue for me.

    After this issue resolved for me my system will be working 100%. Thank you so much for your help and feedback.
  • You may refer to the schematic of DRV8301-HC-Kit to select what pin can be used for external analog signal, there is only TSI (pin 38 of J5) can be used for analog input, and you need to remove/disconnect the variable resistor (R28).

    Detailed configuration for this ADC channel, you may refer to ADC initialize configuration functions in the project and the technical reference manual .
  • Okay, thank you very much for the help. I will try this and get back with you if i have any more questions.
  • Hello, 

    I have tried using pin # 38 (TSI) on the J5 external control and have been able to remove the variable resistor (R28). My motor is still able to run using the code and GUI but throttle still not controlling the motor. I have also tried to rewrite some of the code but nothing is working. If I could receive help in writing the code for this particular application that would be most appreciated. Otherwise I will no longer use this controller and have to come up with another plan for my project. 

    Thank you for the help, 

    Blake Fredieu 

  • You may try to design yourself code based on your requirement, maybe, you can't use GUI to control the motor if you want to use the throttle input, and need to change some setting in BLDC_Int_GUI_DRV83xx.c. We are difficult to provide a full example code for you, because we don't know more details on your finial requirement. Below steps maybe a reference for you, let me know if you have more further questions.

    1. Add ADC channel configuration in f2803xidc_vemf.h as below
    /* 7 */ \
    AdcRegs.ADCSOC7CTL.bit.CHSEL = 8; /* ChSelect: ADC B0-> TSI for speed throttle*/ \
    AdcRegs.ADCSOC7CTL.bit.TRIGSEL = 6; \
    AdcRegs.ADCSOC7CTL.bit.ACQPS = 6; \
    AdcRegs.INTSEL1N2.bit.INT1E = 1; /* Enabled ADCINT1 */ \

    2. Add some variables in BLDC_Int_GUI_DRV83xx.c
    _iq AdcThrottle = _IQ(0.0);
    _iq OffsetThrottle = _IQ(0.0);
    _iq SfThrottle = _IQ(1.0);
    _iq SpeedThrottle = _IQ(0.0);

    3. Read adc result and convert it to speed reference in MainISR() in BLDC_Int_GUI_DRV83xx.c

    IDC_offset = _IQmpy(cal_filt_gain,IDCfdbk) + IDC_offset;

    // Convert the throttle to speed setting
    AdcThrottle = _IQ15toIQ(AdcResult.ADCRESULT7<<3);
    SpeedThrottle = _IQmpy((AdcThrottle - OffsetThrottle), SfThrottle);

    4. Connect the speed setting of throttle to speed reference
    // Connect inputs of the RMP module and call the Ramp control macro.
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // rc1.TargetValue = Gui.Ref;
    rc1.TargetValue = SpeedThrottle;

    You may need to change some other codes to disable GUI control.
  • Yanming said:
    You may try to design yourself code based on your requirement, maybe, you can't use GUI to control the motor if you want to use the throttle input, and need to change some setting in BLDC_Int_GUI_DRV83xx.c. We are difficult to provide a full example code for you, because we don't know more details on your finial requirement. Below steps maybe a reference for you, let me know if you have more further questions.

    1. Add ADC channel configuration in f2803xidc_vemf.h as below
    /* 7 */ \
    AdcRegs.ADCSOC7CTL.bit.CHSEL = 8; /* ChSelect: ADC B0-> TSI for speed throttle*/ \
    AdcRegs.ADCSOC7CTL.bit.TRIGSEL = 6; \
    AdcRegs.ADCSOC7CTL.bit.ACQPS = 6; \
    AdcRegs.INTSEL1N2.bit.INT1E = 1; /* Enabled ADCINT1 */ \

    2. Add some variables in BLDC_Int_GUI_DRV83xx.c
    _iq AdcThrottle = _IQ(0.0);
    _iq OffsetThrottle = _IQ(0.0);
    _iq SfThrottle = _IQ(1.0);
    _iq SpeedThrottle = _IQ(0.0);

    3. Read adc result and convert it to speed reference in MainISR() in BLDC_Int_GUI_DRV83xx.c

    IDC_offset = _IQmpy(cal_filt_gain,IDCfdbk) + IDC_offset;

    // Convert the throttle to speed setting
    AdcThrottle = _IQ15toIQ(AdcResult.ADCRESULT7<<3);
    SpeedThrottle = _IQmpy((AdcThrottle - OffsetThrottle), SfThrottle);

    4. Connect the speed setting of throttle to speed reference
    // Connect inputs of the RMP module and call the Ramp control macro.
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // rc1.TargetValue = Gui.Ref;
    rc1.TargetValue = SpeedThrottle;

    You may need to change some other codes to disable GUI control.

    So, I went in and changed the program to what you have referenced to me above. I kept getting the error message listed below.

    I had someone with programming experience to help me and still couldn't get the pedal to work with the controller.  

    For some details on my application. I am using an analog signal pedal to run a 48v 1600watt BLDC motor with hall sensors. Like I mentioned before I can have the motor running fine with the GUI just cant get the pedal to work. I have some pictures of how I have it wired.

    What I want to have is my motor to turn on as soon as I apply the pedal and start at 0% but gradually increase in speed the farther I press my pedal down then to be at 100% speed/power once I have completely pressed the pedal down. Similar to a rheostat using variable speed, also similar to that of normal acceleration in a vehicle.

    The pedal that I am using. 

    How I have it wired. Using pin 38 for green speed control wire. 

    With motor and pedal hooked up. 

    This is what I will have it powering