Hi there
I read the technical reference manual for TMS320F2837XD. It talked about how to interface to 8bit or 16bit asynchronous memory at Chapter 25 (page 2611, figure 25-9 and figure 25-10). However I couldn't find any thing talking about facing to 32 bit memory. I am trying to use two 16-bit asynchronous memory to achieve 32-bit. Here's what I think it should be:
Is this correct? If so, I plan to use DMA to transfer data into the RAM, in this case, I should set up the DMA to THIRTY-TWO BITS, and the address bit should increment by 1. Is that right?
I also read in the manual somewhere says each address only represent one 16-bit word. EM1A[0] is always the least significant address bit of the 32-bit data. If that is true, I couldn't use the drawing I have on the top.
please advice.
Do you have any idea what I should do?