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TMS320F28075: 28075 codestart will not fit into available memory and GPIO72 concern

Part Number: TMS320F28075

Dear Sir/Madam

I have two issues:

The first:

There is an error about codestart section. it say codestart will not fit memory. cmd file as below:

/* Flash boot address */
BEGIN : origin = 0x080000, length = 0x000002

/* Flash sectors */
FLASHA : origin = 0x080002, length = 0x001FFE /* on-chip Flash */
FLASHB : origin = 0x082000, length = 0x002000 /* on-chip Flash */

I checked the map file as below, codestart failed to allocate, but the .ti_catalog_c2800_initF2837x_begin occupy this memory.

what's the .ti_catalog_c2800_initF2837x_begin , my device is F28075.

currently I changed the cmd file: BEGIN : origin = 0x080000, length = 0x000004  it could link well

output attributes/
section page origin length input sections
-------- ---- ---------- ---------- ----------------
* 0 00000000 00000002 FAILED TO ALLOCATE

* 0 00080000 00000002
00080000 00000002 Boot.a28FP : Boot_asm.o28FP (.ti_catalog_c2800_initF2837x_begin)


The second:

I use EMIF, as you known the GPIO72 is both for EM1D12 and Boot mode pin 1.

I connected the GPIO72 with SDRAM. and Pull up GPIO72 and GPIO84 with 2.2k.

it could run well via emulator, but can not run from flash standalone without emulator.


Have a good day!

  • First issue: looks like you have defined in your code (asm file) and also configured CCS to include start up files. Due to this the linker is getting 2 definitions of codestart trying to place at  00080000. You can remove one of the definitions to link correctly.

    Second issue: you wont be able to use the same pin for EMIF data and boot config. check if you can use different pin for EMIF D12



  • Baskaran:

    I can not use different pin for EM1D12, but I can use another pin for boot mode pin. the datasheet say I need to program OTP register, do you have any suggestion or example, Thank you!

    Thank you!

  • you can refer 4.6 Configuring Get Boot Options in TRM.

    you can search for keyword "BMODE" in TRM and read relevant sections.