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TMDSSOLARUINVKIT: micro inverter topology inquiry



in this reference design, we choose Clamped Fly-back for DC-DC Stage, while in string inverter, most are non isolated boost converter.

Any reason that we choose isolated topology for micro inverter? And why do we choose clamped fly-back?

And for the inverter stage, it's not commonly seen H bridge inverter, why do we choose such a topology?

  • For micro-inverter the input is very low (around 30V) and the output needs to be high (around 400Vdc) so that it can power an inverter stage which connects to  230Vac grid. For this reason we used isolated flyback. For string inverter input voltage is much higher and so non-isolated boost works well.

    Active clamping is common in flyback topology. This limits the main FET drain voltage during turn-off and at the same time saves that power (in the leakage inductance) into the clamp capacitor.

    The inverter topology was used for high eff. Pls see the attached paper for ref.
