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CCSTUDIO-C2000: Output of command line mode CCS V10.1.1 does not appear in cmd shell

Part Number: CCSTUDIO-C2000


I am using the CCS V10.1.1 command line interface. The commands are working, but I do not get any output in cmd window.

I can redirect the output by 1>outfile.txt, but not in cmd directly. E.g.

ccstudio -noSplash -data "D:\workspace" -application com.ti.ccstudio.apps.projectBuild

returns with no output. Calling this

ccstudio -noSplash -data "D:\workspace" -application com.ti.ccstudio.apps.projectBuild 1> help.txt 2>&1

help.txt contains the help output.

I used windows cmd and power shell, no success. Does anybody has an idea thats wrong?

Thanks Steffen