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Compiler/HERCULES_SAFETY_MCU_DEMOS: TMS570LS3137 - Hercules - SPI2


Tool/software: TI C/C++ Compiler


I'm configured SPI1, SPI2, SPI3 and SPI4 use Halcogen. SPI1, SPI3 and SPI4 work very good, but i have some problems with SPI2.

When i use spiTransmitAndReceiveData(spiBASE_t *spi, spiDAT1_t *dataconfig_t, uint32 blocksize, uint16 * srcbuff, uint16 * destbuff), the transmission fail at first byte:

Spi->IntFlg = 0x01000210 = BITERRFLG is 1. I try one SPI for time, i try to send same message.

Can you help me please? 

p.s: I use SPI2 without any slave in this moment, i view signals with oscilloscope.