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MSP430FR5994: Executing floating point operations on the MSP430 and possible transfer to the FRAM

Part Number: MSP430FR5994
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BOOSTXL-AUDIO,

Hello everyone, 

I am using the BOOSTXL-Audio demo on the MSP430FR5994 to capture audio signals from an external microphone. After this, I calculate the FFT for these signals and then want to calculate some coefficients on the Mel Scale for my application. The code that I use for the Mel calculations is functional on the MSP430 and when in debugging, I can observe all the outputs correctly for every coefficient that is calculated. However, when I am running the code directly, it seems to execute endlessly and never terminates at any point. While I am using floating point operations as that is a bit unavoidable for the task, I do not face any issues with the calculations when in debugging mode. One consistent theme during the entire test is the following warning for different floating point operations: 1531-D: Detected floating point operations. Recommend moving them to RAM during run time as these are processing power intensive. My question is related to this statement. Is there a way in which I can specifically move all my floating point calculations to the RAM during run time? I have already tried creating a secondary RAM Partition and assigned all my global and static variables on to the new RAM partition - however, that ended in the same warning I mentioned above. 

I am not completely sure if this is happening because the operations are too long or take up too much processing power - as they all execute correctly during the debugging. I am attaching my library here for reference. The 'lib_mfcc.c' is the main code file in which the entire calculations is carried out. 

 * libmfcc.c - Code implementation for libMFCC
 * Copyright (c) 2010 Jeremy Sawruk
 * This code is released under the MIT License.
 * For conditions of distribution and use, see the license in LICENSE

#include <math.h>
#include "lib_mfcc.h"

 * Computes the specified (mth) MFCC
 * spectralData - array of doubles containing the results of FFT computation. This data is already assumed to be purely real
 * samplingRate - the rate that the original time-series data was sampled at (i.e 44100)
 * NumFilters - the number of filters to use in the computation. Recommended value = 48
 * binSize - the size of the spectralData array, usually a power of 2
 * m - The mth MFCC coefficient to compute
double GetCoefficient(double* spectralData, unsigned int samplingRate, unsigned int NumFilters, unsigned int binSize, unsigned int m)
	double result = 0.0f;
	double outerSum = 0.0f;
	double innerSum = 0.0f;
	unsigned int k, l;

	// 0 <= m < L
	if(m >= NumFilters)
		// This represents an error condition - the specified coefficient is greater than or equal to the number of filters. The behavior in this case is undefined.
		return 0.0f;

	result = NormalizationFactor(NumFilters, m);

	for(l = 1; l <= NumFilters; l++)
		// Compute inner sum
		innerSum = 0.0f;
		for(k = 0; k < binSize - 1; k++)
			innerSum += fabs(spectralData[k] * GetFilterParameter(samplingRate, binSize, k, l));

		if(innerSum > 0.0f)
			innerSum = log(innerSum); // The log of 0 is undefined, so don't use it

		innerSum = innerSum * cos(((m * PI) / NumFilters) * (l - 0.5f));

 		outerSum += innerSum;

	result *= outerSum;

	return result;

 * Computes the Normalization Factor (Equation 6)
 * Used for internal computation only - not to be called directly
double NormalizationFactor(int NumFilters, int m)
	double normalizationFactor = 0.0f;

	if(m == 0)
		normalizationFactor = sqrt(1.0f / NumFilters);
		normalizationFactor = sqrt(2.0f / NumFilters);

	return normalizationFactor;

 * Compute the filter parameter for the specified frequency and filter bands (Eq. 2)
 * Used for internal computation only - not the be called directly
double GetFilterParameter(unsigned int samplingRate, unsigned int binSize, unsigned int frequencyBand, unsigned int filterBand)
	double filterParameter = 0.0f;

	double boundary = (frequencyBand * samplingRate) / binSize;		// k * Fs / N
	double prevCenterFrequency = GetCenterFrequency(filterBand - 1);		// fc(l - 1) etc.
	double thisCenterFrequency = GetCenterFrequency(filterBand);
	double nextCenterFrequency = GetCenterFrequency(filterBand + 1);

	if(boundary >= 0 && boundary < prevCenterFrequency)
		filterParameter = 0.0f;
	else if(boundary >= prevCenterFrequency && boundary < thisCenterFrequency)
		filterParameter = (boundary - prevCenterFrequency) / (thisCenterFrequency - prevCenterFrequency);
		filterParameter *= GetMagnitudeFactor(filterBand);
	else if(boundary >= thisCenterFrequency && boundary < nextCenterFrequency)
		filterParameter = (boundary - nextCenterFrequency) / (thisCenterFrequency - nextCenterFrequency);
		filterParameter *= GetMagnitudeFactor(filterBand);
	else if(boundary >= nextCenterFrequency && boundary < samplingRate)
		filterParameter = 0.0f;

	return filterParameter;

 * Compute the band-dependent magnitude factor for the given filter band (Eq. 3)
 * Used for internal computation only - not the be called directly
double GetMagnitudeFactor(unsigned int filterBand)
	double magnitudeFactor = 0.0f;

	if(filterBand >= 1 && filterBand <= 14)
		magnitudeFactor = 0.015;
	else if(filterBand >= 15 && filterBand <= 48)
		magnitudeFactor = 2.0f / (GetCenterFrequency(filterBand + 1) - GetCenterFrequency(filterBand -1));

	return magnitudeFactor;

 * Compute the center frequency (fc) of the specified filter band (l) (Eq. 4)
 * This where the mel-frequency scaling occurs. Filters are specified so that their
 * center frequencies are equally spaced on the mel scale
 * Used for internal computation only - not the be called directly
double GetCenterFrequency(unsigned int filterBand)
	double centerFrequency = 0.0f;
	double exponent;

	if(filterBand == 0)
		centerFrequency = 0;
	else if(filterBand >= 1 && filterBand <= 14)
		centerFrequency = (200.0f * filterBand) / 3.0f;
		exponent = filterBand - 14.0f;
		centerFrequency = pow(1.0711703, exponent);
		centerFrequency *= 1073.4;

	return centerFrequency;

Let me know if any other details are necessary. Thank you!



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