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MSP430F1232: MSP-Gang remote control

Part Number: MSP430F1232
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-GANG

Hi Team,

Can you have a look at the following customer software questions regarding MSP-Gang?

Programming via JTAG works, for remote control of the MSP-Gang I have 2 questions however :

1) Description in the manual unclear (SLAU358Q-September 2011-Revised October 2019). Select Image Command
Tx -> 3E 50 4 4 A1 0 0 CKL CKH
Rx -> 90 (ACK)
The Select Image command sets a number for the current image. After this command, all operations that
the MSP-GANG performs use this image. The MSP-GANG supports 96 images, 0 through 15. The default
image after power on is 0.
A1: holds a number of the image to set (0x00 to 0x0F).

According to documentation section 2.1.9 the number of images was increased from FW From 16 x 512KB to 96 x 64KB. The above description ..96 images, 0 through 15 is at least misleading.
With the normal remote control it seems to have remained with the 16 images, at least I can only reach the images at the block borders 1.0, 2.0, etc. with the call 3E 50 04 04 A1 00 00 00 CKL CKH

Subimages can apparently only be accessed via the MSP-GANG.dll (4.2.26 MSPGANG_SelectImage).

Is this correct?

2) Question about the MSP-GANG GUI interface

As far as I understand and have seen so far, the image is used to define the overall setup of the programming (FW, Target, PWS, JTAG-Speed, Fuse, ..) and for the programming only the image is called and the command for programming is issued.

I have created 4 images, 2 different FW versions on either Target 1 and 2. If I call the images with the MSP-GUI, the display of the target changes on the display of the MSP-Gang for example also immediately, seems thus OK.
The MSP-GUI surface shows however NO change.

Question about this:
How can I check the settings for an image afterwards?
I mean when I save an image on the HD and then load it again:
Which settings does the image contain?

Thank you,


  • 1) I don't think so. MSP-Gang.dll  communicate with the MSP-Gang using the same command structure though RS232. If you would like check the command. I think you can try to use MSP-Gang.dll to access the above image, and use the oscilloscope to catch the wave. As I check, using MSP-Gang GUI, I also can access 16 memory.

    2)Do you mean program from image? Like this one. What setting you want to see?

  • 1) Select Image Command

    Tx -> 3E 50 4 4 A1 0 0 0 CKL CKH

    Rx -> 90 (ACK)

    The Select Image command sets a number for the current image. After this command, all operations that

    the MSP-GANG performs use this image. The MSP-GANG supports 96 images, 0 through 15. The default

    image after power on is 0.

    A1: holds a number of the image to set (0x00 to 0x0F).
    Information in this chapter is misleading. If 96images are supported, I would expect
    the possibility to call 96 images, not 0 through 15. Or, if 0 through 15 is valid: 16 images.
    A short note would clarify, also a short reference to chapter to chapter 4.2.26.
    image call -> image select in MSP-Gang:  00->1.0   01-> 2.0   02->3.0  …
    If 96 images are supported, user can also expect a linear selection of images
    image call -> image select:   00-> 1.0     01->1.1    02->1.2 …


    The “problem” is, that information in the GUI is misleading.
    If you select a new image from the pulldown menu, the display on the MSP-Gang
    is updated immediately, but the main Information in the GUI remains old.
    Starting with image using Target 2:

    Now selecting an image using Target 1:


    Greyed information in top area is updated, black Target checkbox remains old.
    Same behaviour, if you open an image file from HD.

    It was my fault, not to look in the upper, greyed area to get the actual information.

    If you take a quick look to the above picture, what would you expect which target is selected?

    Best regards,


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