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MSP430FR5729: SMCLK configure

Part Number: MSP430FR5729

I try to configure a clock scheme as: "crystal oscillator 20MHz -> XTAL1 -> SMCLK". Divider I set to 4.
The program with the code that I configure a clock and the crystal connection scheme is below. I expect take a 5 MHz at the SMCLK out pin (PJ.0), but the 1.22 MHz I having in result. I don't understand why and very do hope for advice why it may be.

#include <msp430.h> 

#ifndef __DATATYPES_H__
#define __DATATYPES_H__

typedef char int8_t;
typedef unsigned char uint8_t;
typedef int int16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint16_t;
typedef long int32_t;
typedef unsigned long uint32_t;
typedef uint8_t BYTE;

 * main.c

inline void __ClkConf(void);

int main(void)
	WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;	// stop watchdog timer


	return 0;

inline void __ClkConf(void)
    uint16_t temp;

    PJSEL0 |=  BIT0;
    PJSEL1 &= ~((uint16_t)BIT0);
    PJDIR |= BIT0 + BIT4 + BIT5;
    PJOUT |= BIT0 + BIT4 + BIT5;
    PJSEL0 |=  BIT4 + BIT5;          // connect pins to xtal;

    CSCTL0_H = 0xA5;
    CSCTL1 |= DCOFSEL0 + DCOFSEL1;            // Set max. DCO setting
    CSCTL2 = SELA_3 + SELS_0 + SELM_3;        // set ACLK = MCLK = DCO; SMCLK = XTAL1
    CSCTL3 = DIVA_0 + DIVS_2 + DIVM_0;        // set all dividers
    temp = CSCTL4;
    temp |= XTS;
    temp &= ~(XT1OFF);
    CSCTL4 = temp;


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