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EZ430-F2013: Example code

Part Number: EZ430-F2013

Hi Team,

This inquiry is a continuation of the other thread. According to our customer,

Thank you for your assistance, I am searching for an example code for transferring data from SD16MEMO to USI on MSP430F2XX but I am not successful enough till so can you please point me towards an example here.

Here is my code which I was able to piece together while searching some examples and from other members' query requests

#include <msp430.h>

/* Arrays to store SD16 conversion results */
/* NOTE: arrays need to be global to       */
/*       prevent removal by compiler       */
static volatile unsigned int ChA0results = 0x00;
static volatile unsigned int ChA1results = 0x00;
static volatile unsigned int ChA2results = 0x00;
static unsigned int ch_counter=0;

int main(void)

  volatile unsigned int i;                  // Use volatile to prevent removal
                                            // by compiler optimization

  WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;                 // Stop watchdog timer

  P1OUT |= BIT5;
  P1DIR |= BIT5;
  P1DIR |= 0x10;   //P1.4 as output
  P1SEL = 0x10;    //SMCLK to P1.4
  P1DIR |= BIT7; //set P1.7 to output direction - as signal for data are ready to us

  SD16CTL = SD16REFON + SD16SSEL_1;         // 1.2V ref, SMCLK
  SD16INCTL0 = SD16INCH1;                   // Set channel A0+/-
  SD16CCTL0 |= SD16SNGL + SD16UNI + SD16IE;
                                            // Single conv, 256OSR, unipolar,
                                            // enable interrupt
  SD16INCTL0 |= SD16INTDLY_0;               // Interrupt on 4th sample
  SD16AE = SD16AE1;                         // P1.0 A0+, A0- = VSS

  USICTL0 &= ~USISWRST; //USI released for operation
  USICTL1 &= ~USII2C; //switch USI to SPI-Mode
  USICTL0 &= USIMST; //set to SPI-Slave-Mode
  USICTL0 |= USIPE5; //SCLK as input (from Warrior56)
  USICTL0 |= USIPE6; //SDO-Port enabled; Pin8
  USICTL0 &= ~USIPE7; //SDI-Port disabled; Pin9 can be used for normal in/out
  USICTL0 |= USIOE; //activate output (data goes from MSP to Warrior56)
  USICNT |= USI16B; //init load counter for 16-bit-data
  //inactive state is low
  //data is changed on the first SCLK edge and captured on the following edge

  for (i = 0; i < 0x3600; i++);             // Delay for 1.2V ref startup

    SD16CCTL0 |= SD16SC;                    // Set bit to start conversion

    __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE);     // Enter LPM0


#if defined(__TI_COMPILER_VERSION__) || defined(__IAR_SYSTEMS_ICC__)
#pragma vector = SD16_VECTOR
__interrupt void SD16ISR(void)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
void __attribute__ ((interrupt(SD16_VECTOR))) SD16ISR (void)
#error Compiler not supported!

        ChA0results = SD16MEM0;             // Save CH0 results (clears IFG)
        SD16AE &= ~SD16AE1;                 // Disable external input A0+, A0
        SD16INCTL0 &= ~SD16INCH_1;          // Disable channel A0+/-
        USISR = SD16MEM0;
        SD16INCTL0 |= SD16INCH_1;           // Enable channel A1+/-
        SD16AE |= SD16AE2;                  // Enable external input on A1+




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