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MSP430FR4133: Error Codes on out of the box demo example code

Part Number: MSP430FR4133

I'm currently working with the MSP430FR4133 launchpad. I found some code from the out of the box demo that set up timer a to be a debounce timer for the pushbuttons on the device. I attempted to use this for my project, and was met with the error codes below, both on line 23. I think I have the correct header files I need, and I'm not sure what the error codes mean. Do you know what I am doing wrong, or could maybe explain what each of these error codes likely means?

  • Hi Carter,

    Can you show me the beginning of your .h file?

    This struct is included in DriverLib so you will need DriverLib included, also adding

    extern Timer_A_initUpModeParam initUpParam_A0;

    in your header file, this declares the struct.



  • I have DriverLib included, and don't have a main.h file, but I do have the struct declared at the top of main.c

  • Hi Carter,

    I haven't seen this error in this context before so let's try to figure this out together. The code has the error on line 23 but it can be any of those lines from 23-32 that is causing the errors to appear.

    Can you provide further context as to where the Timer_A_initUpModeParam struct is, is it global?

    Can you also show all the includes you have at the top?

    Just to double check, can you click into all the parameters (except the 30000), they should bring you to timer_a.h and "true" should bring you to stdbool.h



  • The struct was global, I had msp430.h and driverlib.h included at the top, and all the parameters took me to where you said they should. I ended up removing all the code I had and restarting, getting it back to where I had it when I posted this question and it is not throwing the errors anymore. I don't know what I did differently to not get the errors this time around, but thank you for your help.

  • Hi Carter,

    Glad it is working now, it is possible that something wasn't compiling properly and it corrected itself when you redid the steps.



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