I am trying to test out the following code on the eval board with little success: msp430FR59xx_eusci_uart_standard_transceiver
I now have two eval board where one is sending TX data at 115200 to the other but the other board does not leave its interrupt routine and is stuck at: __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Since SMCLK is source, enter LPM0, interrupts enabled
Here is my setup:
With one board I am running external loopback test msp430FR59xx_euscia0_uart_03 which is looped back on this board via jumpers but also sent to the 2nd board that is running msp430FR59xx_eusci_uart_standard_transceiver. As I mentioned earlier the 2nd board never leaves the interrupt routine so I am guessing it is not seeing a valid transmission. I do see valid transmissions happening on the first board as the loopback test is working.
I do see both the transmitter and receiver look identical with an oscilloscope/
Do you see anything that I am doing wrong?