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MSP430FR5969-SP: Using MSP-EXP430FR5969 Eval board - Test not working

Part Number: MSP430FR5969-SP


I am trying to test out the following code on the eval board with little success:  msp430FR59xx_eusci_uart_standard_transceiver

I now have two eval board where one is sending TX data at 115200 to the other but the other board does not leave its interrupt routine and is stuck at:     __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE);       // Since SMCLK is source, enter LPM0, interrupts enabled

Here is my setup:


With one board I am running external loopback test  msp430FR59xx_euscia0_uart_03 which is looped back  on this board via jumpers but also sent to the 2nd board that is running  msp430FR59xx_eusci_uart_standard_transceiver. As I mentioned earlier the 2nd board never leaves the interrupt routine so I am guessing it is not seeing a valid transmission. I do see valid transmissions happening on the first board as the loopback test is working.

I do see both the transmitter and receiver look identical with an oscilloscope/

Do you see anything that I am doing wrong?


  • Hi Matty,

    When you are running this test, it looks like the transceiver is supposed to send the data back to the sender, is this happening?

    Which eUSCI UART interrupt is triggering when you get stuck? 

    I see you are entering low power mode, which disables the CPU. Are you ever waking the device from low power mode?

    Have you edited the transceiver example at all? Considering that you have probed the transmission lines and have seen that the device is receiving the UART data, it sounds like this is not a hardware issue.

  • Hi Dylan,

    I believe that I found the problem. It appears that the code:  msp430FR59xx_eusci_uart_standard_transceiver. has its comments written incorrectly. It mentions in the comments that P2.6 is the receive data and P2.5 is the transmit data. it should be P2.0 is the transmit data and P2.1 is the receive data as this module has been written for USCI_A0.


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