I have downloaded the MSP-GANG Software, installed all drivers, and connected my production programmer to my PC. It recognizes that the device is connected to the computer at COM3, but when I open the software it rapidly cycles through and repeats these messages:
ERROR 308: Communication Port baud rate change (x4)
Changing Baudrate...
Changing Baudrate... Failed
I have tried installing/ uninstalling the software and drivers several times now. Restarting computer etc. The software is completely locked up with this.
On the programmer itself, the LCD just says, "Image 1.0(Err!)". If I click the arrow, the number cycles from 1.0-10.0 then lands back at 1.0.
I don't have the power cable and I am 90% convinced I have the correct MCU information. Could either or both of these be my issue? If I do have the wrong MCU information, how do I find the right information?