How to link MSP430F2013 USB type to Hyper terminal? The process to as minimal as possible.
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How to link MSP430F2013 USB type to Hyper terminal? The process to as minimal as possible.
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I have done this connection MSP430F2013 ->(I2C)-> MSP430F5509->PC USB port->VCP->hyperterminal
It works perfect with constant bytes. As for SD16 results, its all spoiled into 7F. Still confused.
Hi, Andy!
I'm glad indeed to see your answer and wise questions. Sorry for late responce :-).
I've download example slave code of msp430x20x3_usi_15.c (by R. B. Elliott / H. Grewal demo) from into my MSP430F2013 (68K _G_4_EENR_ver.B)
and check with another (linked with first one by I2C) MSP430F2013 (68K _G_4_EENR_ver.B), downloaded
with example Master code of msp430x20x3_usi_12.c (by R. B. Elliott / H. Grewal demo) from The only change was using #include <msp430x20x3.h> instead of #include <msp430x20x2.h>
Then, using oscilloscope, I saw data traffic was correct.
So, I added to this I2C net one MSP430F5509 and loaded it with example code
MSP430F550x_uscib0_i2c_09.c (after D. Archbold/B.Nisarga) from
Changes were
1) #include <msp430f5509.h> instead of #include <msp430f5510.h>
2) Slave address 0x44 instead of 0x48(rezerved for the first slave MSP430F2013)
And again, I saw perfect data traffic now between 2013 and 5509.
At last, I took the C1_Example from MSP430_USB_API_Stacks directory of packet as the base for I2C-USB bridge application and made a
fusion into question_to_Andy.c code. The file with it ia attached to this post.
Enumeration was successful. Virtual COM5 was established and connected to X-CTU terminal software.
After successful compilation, linking, downloading and debugging start I've traced writing of the
first byte 0x5F to SRL register (5F_the_first_byte.JPG),
then I've traced second byte (0x60_the_2nd_byte.JPG)
third byte (0xDD_the_last_5th_byte.JPG)
fourth byte (0xD1_the_last_5th_byte.JPG)
and last fifth byte (0x33_the_last_5th_byte.JPG)
For other 5-bytes pachage X-CTU terminal shows 3 "spoiled" bytes (7F_7F_29_7F_33.JPG).
To say truth, sometimes there is only one spoiled out of 5 bytes (64_65_17_7F_33.jpg).
IMHO, the "spoiling" occurs after data loading in USISRL register and before it's shifting onto Data line of I2C. I suppose, oscilloscope's pictures can provide evidence and aliby for 5509 bridge(Spoiled_bytes_I2C.JPG).
Hope, all details was elucidated.
Thanks a lot for your interest, Andy.
All comments will be appreciated.
Best regards,
Vlad Sukharev
//****************************************************************************** // MSP430F2013 - I2C Master Transmitter / Reciever, multiple bytes // // Description: I2C Master communicates with I2C Slave using // the USI. Master data should be 0x55 for the first two bytes // then two bytes from ADC and CS for 4 bytes // ACLK = n/a, MCLK = SMCLK = Calibrated 1MHz // // ***THIS IS THE MASTER CODE*** // // Slave (0x44) Master Slave (0x48) // (msp430x5509_usi_15.c) (msp430x20x3_usi_15.c) // (MSP430F550x_uscib0_i2c_09.c) // MSP430F5509 0x44 MSP430F2013 MSP430F2013 // ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- // /|\| XIN|- /|\| XIN|- /|\| XIN|- // | | | | | | | | | // --|RST XOUT|- --|RST XOUT|- --|RST XOUT|- // | | | | | | // <-|P1.0 | | | | | // | | | P1.0|-> | P1.0|-> // | SDA/P4.2|<-----|P1.6/SDA <-------+-------|P1.6/SDA | // | SCL/P4.1|<-----|P1.7/SCL --------+------>|P1.7/SCL | // // Note: internal pull-ups are used in this example for SDA & SCL // // R. B. Elliott / H. Grewal / V.Sukharev // Texas Instruments Inc. // April 2013 // Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 5.40.1 //****************************************************************************** #include <msp430x20x3.h> #define number_of_bytes 5 // How many bytes? unsigned short volatile Res=0, ndx = 0; void Master_Transmit(void); void Master_Recieve(void); void Setup_USI_Master_TX(void); void Setup_USI_Master_RX(void); const unsigned short volatile SLV_Data = 0xD125; unsigned char volatile MST_Data[10]; // Variable for transmitted data char SLV_Addr = 0x88; int I2C_State, tin, Bytecount, Transmit = 0; // State variable int Packet_ind = 0; void Data_TX (void); void Data_RX (void); void main(void) { volatile unsigned int i; // Use volatile to prevent removal WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog //unsigned long longAcc = 0; if (CALBC1_1MHZ ==0xFF || CALDCO_1MHZ == 0xFF) { // If calibration constants erased while(1); // do not load, trap CPU!! } BCSCTL1 = CALBC1_1MHZ; //RSEL2 + RSEL3;// // BCSCTL2 |= DIVS_3; // SMCLK/8 DCOCTL = CALDCO_1MHZ; //DCO2+MOD0+MOD1+MOD4;// // Set DCO P1OUT = 0xC0; P1REN |= 0xC0; // P1.6 & P1.7 Pullups P1DIR = 0xFF; // Unused pins as outputs P2OUT = 0; P2DIR = 0xFF; for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++); // Delay for MCLC to stabilize Master_Recieve(); SD16CTL = SD16REFON + SD16SSEL_1 + SD16DIV_3 //SMCLK + SD16XDIV_0 + SD16VMIDON; // �� 819200 Hz SD16CCTL0 |= SD16OSR_256 + SD16IE; // Enable interrupt, OSR=256, SD16INCTL0 = SD16INCH_6; // A6+/- //SD16INCTL0 = SD16INCH_1; // A1+/- SD16CCTL0 |= SD16SC; // SD16 START _BIS_SR(LPM0_bits + GIE); // Enter LPM0 with interrupt SD16CCTL0 &= ~SD16IE; // disable interrupts from ADC MST_Data[2] = Res; MST_Data[3] = Res >> 8; MST_Data[4] = 0x33; for (i = 0; i < 50000; i++); // Delay for Data to stabilize Master_Transmit(); // Set flag and start communication } //__interrupt void watchdog_timer(void) #pragma vector=SD16_VECTOR __interrupt void SD16ISR(void) { switch (SD16IV) { case 2: // SD16MEM Overflow break; case 4: // SD16MEM0 IFG Res = SD16MEM0; // Save result (clears IFG) break; } __bic_SR_register_on_exit(CPUOFF); } /****************************************************** // USI interrupt service routine // Data Transmit : state 0 -> 2 -> 4 -> 10 -> 12 -> 14 // Data Recieve : state 0 -> 2 -> 4 -> 6 -> 8 -> 14 ******************************************************/ #pragma vector = USI_VECTOR __interrupt void USI_TXRX (void) { switch(__even_in_range(I2C_State,14)) { case 0: // Generate Start Condition & send address to slave P1OUT |= 0x01; // LED on: sequence start Bytecount = 0; USISRL = 0x00; // Generate Start Condition... USICTL0 |= USIGE+USIOE; USICTL0 &= ~USIGE; if (Transmit == 1){ USISRL = 0x88; // Address is 0x44 << 1 bit + 0 (rw) } if (Transmit == 0){ USISRL = 0x91; // 0x91 Address is 0x48 << 1 bit // + 1 for Read } USICNT = (USICNT & 0xE0) + 0x08; // Bit counter = 8, TX Address I2C_State = 2; // next state: rcv address (N)Ack break; case 2: // Receive Address Ack/Nack bit USICTL0 &= ~USIOE; // SDA = input USICNT |= 0x01; // Bit counter=1, receive (N)Ack bit I2C_State = 4; // Go to next state: check (N)Ack break; case 4: // Process Address Ack/Nack & handle data TX if(Transmit == 1){ USICTL0 |= USIOE; // SDA = output if (USISRL & 0x01) // If Nack received... { // Send stop... USISRL = 0x00; USICNT |= 0x01; // Bit counter=1, SCL high, SDA low I2C_State = 14; // Go to next state: generate Stop P1OUT |= 0x01; // LED on: error } else { // Ack received, TX data to slave... USISRL = MST_Data[0]; // Load first data byte for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++); USICNT |= 0x08;// Bit counter = 8, start TX I2C_State = 10; // next state: receive data (N)Ack P1OUT &= ~0x01; // Turn off LED Bytecount++; break; } } if(Transmit == 0){ if (USISRL & 0x01) // If Nack received { // Prep Stop Condition USICTL0 |= USIOE; USISRL = 0x00; USICNT |= 0x01; // Bit counter= 1, SCL high, SDA low I2C_State = 8; // Go to next state: generate Stop P1OUT |= 0x01; // Turn on LED: error } else{ Data_RX();} // Ack received } break; case 6: // Send Data Ack/Nack bit USICTL0 |= USIOE; // SDA = output if (Bytecount <= number_of_bytes-2) { // If this is not the last byte if (Bytecount < 2) MST_Data[Bytecount] = USISRL; USISRL = 0x00; // Send Ack P1OUT &= ~0x01; // LED off I2C_State = 4; // Go to next state: data/rcv again Bytecount++; } else //last byte: send NACK { USISRL = 0xFF; // Send NAck P1OUT |= 0x01; // LED on: end of comm I2C_State = 8; // stop condition } USICNT |= 0x01; // Bit counter = 1, send (N)Ack bit break; case 8: // Prep Stop Condition USICTL0 |= USIOE; // SDA = output USISRL = 0x00; USICNT |= 0x01; // Bit counter= 1, SCL high, SDA low I2C_State = 14; // Go to next state: generate Stop break; case 10: // Receive Data Ack/Nack bit USICTL0 &= ~USIOE; // SDA = input USICNT |= 0x01; // Bit counter = 1, receive (N)Ack bit I2C_State = 12; // Go to next state: check (N)Ack break; case 12: // Process Data Ack/Nack & send Stop USICTL0 |= USIOE; if (Bytecount == number_of_bytes){// If last byte USISRL = 0x00; I2C_State = 14; // Go to next state: generate Stop P1OUT |= 0x01; USICNT |= 0x01; } // set count=1 to trigger next state else{ P1OUT &= ~0x01; // Turn off LED Data_TX(); } break; case 14:// Generate Stop Condition USISRL = 0xFF; // USISRL = 1 to release SDA USICTL0 |= USIGE; // Transparent latch enabled USICTL0 &= ~(USIGE+USIOE); // Latch/SDA output disabled I2C_State = 0; // Reset state machine for next xmt LPM0_EXIT; // Exit active for next transfer break; } USICTL1 &= ~USIIFG; // Clear pending flag } void Data_TX (void){ USISRL = MST_Data[Bytecount++]; // Load data byte USICNT |= 0x08; // Bit counter = 8, start TX I2C_State = 10; // next state: receive data (N)Ack } void Data_RX (void){ USICTL0 &= ~USIOE; // SDA = input --> redundant USICNT |= 0x08; // Bit counter = 8, RX data I2C_State = 6; // Next state: Test data and (N)Ack P1OUT &= ~0x01; // LED off } void Setup_USI_Master_TX (void) { _DINT(); Bytecount = 0; Transmit = 1; USICTL0 = USIPE6+USIPE7+USIMST+USISWRST; // Port & USI mode setup USICTL1 = USII2C+USIIE; // Enable I2C mode & USI interrupt USICKCTL = USIDIV_7+USISSEL_2+USICKPL; // USI clk: SCL = SMCLK/128 USICNT |= USIIFGCC; // Disable automatic clear control USICTL0 &= ~USISWRST; // Enable USI USICTL1 &= ~USIIFG; // Clear pending flag _EINT(); } void Setup_USI_Master_RX (void) { _DINT(); Bytecount = 0; Transmit = 0; USICTL0 = USIPE6+USIPE7+USIMST+USISWRST; // Port & USI mode setup USICTL1 = USII2C+USIIE; // Enable I2C mode & USI interrupt USICKCTL = USIDIV_7+USISSEL_2+USICKPL; // USI clks: SCL = SMCLK/128 USICNT |= USIIFGCC; // Disable automatic clear control USICTL0 &= ~USISWRST; // Enable USI USICTL1 &= ~USIIFG; // Clear pending flag _EINT(); } void Master_Transmit(void){ Setup_USI_Master_TX(); USICTL1 |= USIIFG; // Set flag and start communication LPM0; // CPU off, await USI interrupt for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++); // Delay between comm cycles } void Master_Recieve(void){ Setup_USI_Master_RX(); USICTL1 |= USIIFG; // Set flag and start communication LPM0; // CPU off, await USI interrupt for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++); // Delay between comm cycles }
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