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msp430g2232 uart problem?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430G2231, MAX232, MAX3232


      I am working  UART in MSP430G2231..I used example code (msp430g2xx1_ta_uart9600.c  ) and IAR  embedded workbench  and fet debugger..I have soldered Xtal oscillator too(32Khz)..I am using max232 for level converting and USB to serial RS232..But I didn't get the o/p  in hyper terminal even Jung Characters .. My code is here ..please help me to get the output...My board is MSP-EXP430G2 Rev1.4
//  MSP430G2xx1 Demo - Timer_A, Ultra-Low Pwr UART 9600 Echo, 32kHz ACLK
//  Description: Use Timer_A CCR0 hardware output modes and SCCI data latch
//  to implement UART function @ 9600 baud. Software does not directly read and
//  write to RX and TX pins, instead proper use of output modes and SCCI data
//  latch are demonstrated. Use of these hardware features eliminates ISR
//  latency effects as hardware insures that output and input bit latching and
//  timing are perfectly synchronised with Timer_A regardless of other
//  software activity. In the Mainloop the UART function readies the UART to
//  receive one character and waits in LPM3 with all activity interrupt driven.
//  After a character has been received, the UART receive function forces exit
//  from LPM3 in the Mainloop which configures the port pins (P1 & P2) based
//  on the value of the received byte (i.e., if BIT0 is set, turn on P1.0).

//  ACLK = TACLK = LFXT1 = 32768Hz, MCLK = SMCLK = default DCO
//  //* An external watch crystal is required on XIN XOUT for ACLK *//  
//               MSP430G2xx1
//            -----------------
//        /|\|              XIN|-
//         | |                 | 32kHz
//         --|RST          XOUT|-
//           |                 |
//           |   CCI0B/TXD/P1.1|-------->
//           |                 | 9600 8N1
//           |   CCI0A/RXD/P1.2|<--------
//  D. Dang
//  Texas Instruments Inc.
//  October 2010
//  Built with CCS Version 4.2.0 and IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 5.10

#include "msp430g2231.h"

// Hardware-related definitions
#define UART_TXD   0x02                     // TXD on P1.1 (Timer0_A.OUT0)
#define UART_RXD   0x04                     // RXD on P1.2 (Timer0_A.CCI1A)

// Conditions for 9600 Baud SW UART, SMCLK = 1MHz
#define UART_TBIT_DIV_2     (1000000 / (9600 * 2))
#define UART_TBIT           (1000000 / 9600)

// Global variables used for full-duplex UART communication
unsigned int txData;                        // UART internal variable for TX
unsigned char rxBuffer;                     // Received UART character

// Function prototypes
void TimerA_UART_init(void);
void TimerA_UART_tx(unsigned char byte);
void TimerA_UART_print(char *string);

// main()
void main(void)
    WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;               // Stop watchdog timer

    DCOCTL = 0x00;                          // Set DCOCLK to 1MHz

    P1OUT = 0x00;                           // Initialize all GPIO
    P1SEL = UART_TXD + UART_RXD;            // Timer function for TXD/RXD pins
    P1DIR = 0xFF & ~UART_RXD;               // Set all pins but RXD to output
    P2OUT = 0x00;
    P2SEL = 0x00;
    P2DIR = 0xFF;

    TimerA_UART_init();                     // Start Timer_A UART
    TimerA_UART_print("G2xx1 TimerA UART\r\n");
    for (;;)
        // Wait for incoming character
        // Update board outputs according to received byte
        if (rxBuffer & 0x01) P1OUT |= 0x01; else P1OUT &= ~0x01;    // P1.0
        if (rxBuffer & 0x02) P1OUT |= 0x08; else P1OUT &= ~0x08;    // P1.3
        if (rxBuffer & 0x04) P1OUT |= 0x10; else P1OUT &= ~0x10;    // P1.4
        if (rxBuffer & 0x08) P1OUT |= 0x20; else P1OUT &= ~0x20;    // P1.5
        if (rxBuffer & 0x10) P1OUT |= 0x40; else P1OUT &= ~0x40;    // P1.6
        if (rxBuffer & 0x20) P1OUT |= 0x80; else P1OUT &= ~0x80;    // P1.7
        if (rxBuffer & 0x40) P2OUT |= 0x40; else P2OUT &= ~0x40;    // P2.6
        if (rxBuffer & 0x80) P2OUT |= 0x80; else P2OUT &= ~0x80;    // P2.7
        // Echo received character
// Function configures Timer_A for full-duplex UART operation
void TimerA_UART_init(void)
    TACCTL0 = OUT;                          // Set TXD Idle as Mark = '1'
    TACCTL1 = SCS + CM1 + CAP + CCIE;       // Sync, Neg Edge, Capture, Int
    TACTL = TASSEL_2 + MC_2;                // SMCLK, start in continuous mode
// Outputs one byte using the Timer_A UART
void TimerA_UART_tx(unsigned char byte)
   // while (TACCTL0 & CCIE);                 // Ensure last char got TX'd
    TACCR0 = TAR;                           // Current state of TA counter
    TACCR0 += UART_TBIT;                    // One bit time till first bit
    TACCTL0 = OUTMOD0 + CCIE;               // Set TXD on EQU0, Int
    txData = byte;                          // Load global variable
    txData |= 0x100;                        // Add mark stop bit to TXData
    txData <<= 1;                           // Add space start bit

// Prints a string over using the Timer_A UART
void TimerA_UART_print(char *string)
    while (*string) {
// Timer_A UART - Transmit Interrupt Handler
#pragma vector = TIMERA0_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer_A0_ISR(void)
    static unsigned char txBitCnt = 10;

    TACCR0 += UART_TBIT;                    // Add Offset to CCRx
    if (txBitCnt == 0) {                    // All bits TXed?
        TACCTL0 &= ~CCIE;                   // All bits TXed, disable interrupt
        txBitCnt = 10;                      // Re-load bit counter
    else {
        if (txData & 0x01) {
          TACCTL0 &= ~OUTMOD2;              // TX Mark '1'
        else {
          TACCTL0 |= OUTMOD2;               // TX Space '0'
        txData >>= 1;
// Timer_A UART - Receive Interrupt Handler
#pragma vector = TIMERA1_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer_A1_ISR(void)
    static unsigned char rxBitCnt = 8;
    static unsigned char rxData = 0;

    switch (__even_in_range(TAIV, TAIV_TAIFG)) { // Use calculated branching
        case TAIV_TACCR1:                        // TACCR1 CCIFG - UART RX
            TACCR1 += UART_TBIT;                 // Add Offset to CCRx
            if (TACCTL1 & CAP) {                 // Capture mode = start bit edge
                TACCTL1 &= ~CAP;                 // Switch capture to compare mode
                TACCR1 += UART_TBIT_DIV_2;       // Point CCRx to middle of D0
            else {
                rxData >>= 1;
                if (TACCTL1 & SCCI) {            // Get bit waiting in receive latch
                    rxData |= 0x80;
                if (rxBitCnt == 0) {             // All bits RXed?
                    rxBuffer = rxData;           // Store in global variable
                    rxBitCnt = 8;                // Re-load bit counter
                    TACCTL1 |= CAP;              // Switch compare to capture mode
                    __bic_SR_register_on_exit(LPM0_bits);  // Clear LPM0 bits from 0(SR)

  • Iydah Grace said:
    using max232 for level converting

    Max232 is 5V operation. Without some additional hardware it won't work. The 5V output signal will overload the MSp input pin while the MSP TX output signal might be not 'high' enough to make the MAX232 send a '1'.
    The MAX3232 is for 3V operation and compatible with the MSP operating range.

    Also, MSP TX must be connected to PCs RX signal, which is a different notation (point of view)  than the typical "TX to TX and RX to RX" notation between PC and e.g. modems.

  • If you are using the MSP-EXP430G2 board, you do not need to add external interface. This board has an Application UART and works at 9600 b/s.

  • old_cow_yellow said:
    If you are using the MSP-EXP430G2 board, you do not need to add external interface.

    That's right. However, when using the application UART (actually a built-in serial->USB converter in the JTAG part of the board), the jumper settings for the RX and TX signal must be checked. They are different for software (tiemr) UART and hardware UART. Also, when using your own RS232 converter, they must be removed.

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