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I am using "MSP430FR5739" experiment board to read" LIS331DLH accelerometer" sensor data.

I have made use of GPIO pins to use I2C protocol.To dispaly the accelerometer data i am using UART which displays all 3-axis data with varying direction.

The help i need is, I want to verify the accelerometer data,
Is there any way to do? Any suggestions are welcome.

  • uma pv said:
    I want to verify the accelerometer data,
    Is there any way to do?

    The same way that you'd  verify any other measurement - by comparing your results with the results from a known-good, calibrated  instrument!

    If you have an Android smartphone or tablet, there are apps that will display the results from its internal accelerometer...

    (I guess also for Apple stuff?)

  • Hi Andy,

    Thanks for your reply.

    I am getting the output from the accelerometer and i have used UART to check whether the accelerometer is responding properly and fortunately it does. But the thing i wanted to know here is, are there any software available from the TI? like GUI that read sensor data like accelerometer, magnetometer etc. that support MSP430FR5739? and here I am using external accelerometer connected to the MCU.

  • Hi Uma pv,


    I am using MSP430FR5739 Experiments board from TI. I am new to this.. I installed IAR Embedded workbench for MSP439 5.52 software. Now i want to establish I2C interface between MSP430FR5739 and external accelerometer (MMA8451Q). After installing software in that i got example projects for MSP430 kit on I2C interface and i dumped that to my kit and when i check SCL and SDA pins of that kit using  logic analyser i am  not getting any both SCL and SDA signals. So can anyone help me to solve this issue. Can you provide your complete code as zip file which uses  I2C interface accelerometer between MSP430FR5739 and external accelerometer.

    Thanks and regards

    Chethan Kumar

  • Hi Chethan,

    Since i too have implemented external accelerometer to the MSP430fr5739, here are few ideas i have made used;

    while interfacing an external accelerometer  you supposed to check specific data sheet of the acceleromter where you can find interfacing details. If the data sheet specify to use I2C then make out the pins of the SDA and SCL from the accelerometer  chip. So you have to select some port pin of MSP board and interface it to the accelerometer and you have to write your code for START, STOP, READ, WRITE for the I2C protocol. Before starting to interface, just understand the working of I2C.



  • Hi uma, 

    Can you give your coding to interface MSP430 with LIS331DLH accelerometer (I2C)? 


    If you can, send me a mail. 



  • Hi Uma, 

    1) I have set the threshold 250mg.

    I have configure interrupt in port2. 

    Sometimes values are below threshold. What is the problem?

    2)What will happen if continuous interrupt occur?

    Please tell me. 


    Keerthi G

  • Well, acceleration can always be zero or even negative. Depending on orientation. You always have 1G ‘acceleration’ on a resting sensor. If you tilt the sensor, this 1G splits into two or three orthogonal components (vector addition). If you drop the sensor, you have 0G. On vibrations, you have (maybe significantly) above and below 1G. Depending on strength of the vibration, it can be between 0 and whatever. If the sensor is stuck to the surface of the vibrating object, it can even be negative. All is possible.

     Regarding interrupt, well, the port interrupt is edge triggered. On the falling (or rising, depending on configuration) edge, the PxIFGy bit is set, and once cleared, the next interrupt will happen on the next edge. As long as the pin remains pulled, no further interrupts happen.
    So you might want to change the edge detection, so you get notified when the interupt signal ends.

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