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Software download problem

Hi, When i try to download my application on my board, very often the CCSV5 write : MSP430: Trouble Writing Memory Block at 0x10000 on Page 0 of Length 0x7ff0: Could not erase device memory MSP430: GEL: File: D:\progetti\SoftwareMSP-CC\NOZZLE-MSP430F5335\Debug\NOZZLE-MSP430F5333.out: Load failed. USBdebugger version 1.4a. But if i erase the flash with the software "FETpro430" from elptronic then the CCS work correctly. I just have every time to erase the flash with another software...any idea?

  • There can be multiple reasons. Do you power the target board form teh FET or from an external power source? It' spossible that under CCS, the output voltage setting is different from the config under FETpro430, and the MSP is sensitive to a small voltage drop when the (relatively high) erase current suddenly kicks in. Either the voltage under FETpro430 is set higher and won't fall below the threshold while erasing, or it is higher in CCS, so the current-limiter of teh FET kicks in and switches the target voltage off shortly when the current suddenly rises.
    Both is a possible reason for an erase-fail.

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