The TI Resource Explorer sample ADC code projects msp430x24xadc12_01 and msp430x24xadc12_06 for the msp430f2471 processor are missing a header file for the ADC.
Errors for msp430x24xadc12:
**** Build of configuration Debug for project msp430x24x_adc12_06 ****
"c:\\ti\\ccsv6\\utils\\bin\\gmake" -k all
'Building file: ../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c'
'Invoking: MSP430 Compiler'
"c:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/msp430_4.3.3/bin/cl430" -vmsp --abi=eabi --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/ccs_base/msp430/include" --include_path="c:/ti/ccsv6/tools/compiler/msp430_4.3.3/include" --advice:power=all -g --define=__MSP430F2471__ --diag_warning=225 --display_error_number --diag_wrap=off --printf_support=minimal --preproc_with_compile --preproc_dependency="msp430x24x_adc12_06.pp" "../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c"
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 92: error #20: identifier "ADC12CTL0" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 92: error #20: identifier "ADC12ON" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 92: error #20: identifier "MSC" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 92: error #20: identifier "SHT0_8" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 94: error #20: identifier "ADC12CTL1" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 94: error #20: identifier "SHP" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 94: error #20: identifier "CONSEQ_3" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 95: error #20: identifier "ADC12MCTL0" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 95: error #20: identifier "INCH_0" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 96: error #20: identifier "ADC12MCTL1" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 96: error #20: identifier "INCH_1" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 97: error #20: identifier "ADC12MCTL2" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 97: error #20: identifier "INCH_2" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 98: error #20: identifier "ADC12MCTL3" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 98: error #20: identifier "INCH_3" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 98: error #20: identifier "EOS" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 99: error #20: identifier "ADC12IE" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 100: error #20: identifier "ENC" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 101: error #20: identifier "ADC12SC" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 106: warning #2580-D: pragma vector= accepts numeric arguments or "unused_interrupts" but not ADC12_VECTOR
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 116: error #20: identifier "ADC12MEM0" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 117: error #20: identifier "ADC12MEM1" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 118: error #20: identifier "ADC12MEM2" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 119: error #20: identifier "ADC12MEM3" is undefined
"../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c", line 120: remark #1530-D: (ULP 5.1) Detected modulo operation(s). Recommend moving them to RAM during run time or not using as these are processing/power intensive
23 errors detected in the compilation of "../msp430x24x_adc12_06.c".
>> Compilation failure
gmake: *** [msp430x24x_adc12_06.obj] Error 1
gmake: Target `all' not remade because of errors.
**** Build Finished ****