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What happen to OUTn signal if no PxSEL set in Timer A compare mode?

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430F5505


I would like to know what happen to output signal if I'm not going to output it to port pins, meaning no PxSEL?

Is this safe?

Here is the case.

I have some LEDs connected to port pins which don't have a hardware pwm capability. And other port pins which has hardware pwm are already occupied by something else and I cannot switch their port, they are fixed already. I'm using MSP430F5505.

I would like to output a pwm signal to those LEDs (P1.0, P5.0 & P5.5) and I'm using TimerA compare mode.  Instead of using PxSEL to output hardware pwm to output signal to port pins (applicable only to P1.7/TA1.0 and P2.0/TA1.1) which is impossible in my case, I'm doing a software pwm using TimerA compare mode, see the code below.

void TimerA1_Init()
	//TA1CCTL0 = CCIE;					/* CCR0 Interrupt Disable */
	TA1CCR0 = 50000;				/* Timer counter compare to this value */
	TA1CCR1 = 500;
	TA1CCR2 = 300;
	TA1CTL = TASSEL_2 + MC_2 + TACLR + TAIE;	/* Select SMCLK, CONT Mode, Reset counter*/

#pragma vector=TIMER1_A1_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer1_A1_ISR(void)
	    case 0: break;
	    case 2:  P5OUT ^= 0x01;                 // Add Offset to CCR1
	    case 4:  P5OUT ^= 0x05;                // Add Offset to CCR2
	    case 6:  break;                         // CCR3 not used
	    case 8:  break;                         // CCR4 not used
	    case 10: break;                         // CCR5 not used
	    case 12: break;                         // Reserved not used
	    case 14: P1OUT ^= 0x01;                 // overflow
	    default: break;

Thank you,


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