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custom Bootloader on MSP430F67451A


we have wrote custom bootloader via CAN communication and problem we are facing is while jumping from bootloader to application,

In this controller there is only one bank of flash is present. so using one bank only for bootloader and application.



I did flash memory organization as below using liker settings (FLASH/FLASH2) . but dnt kno settings are right or not exactly.


|-------------------------------------|   Start : 0x C000                         FLASH

|                                                              |             

|     BOOT   CODE                               |  length :  3F80

|              15Kb                                      |                             

|                                                              |

|-------------------------------------|  End: 0x FF80


|-------------------------------------|   Start : 0x 10000                      FLASH2

|                                                              |             

|     APP   CODE                                  |                                                                             

|                                                              |

|              113 K                                     | Length: 0x 1C000

|                                                              |

|                                                              |

|                                                              |

|-------------------------------------|  End: 0x 2BFFF                                                 TOTAL FLASH :128Kb

also wat exact changes need to be done in linker file for such memory map?

and also give some suggestions for jumping from bootloder to application.

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