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CCS/MSP430F147: MSP430Flasher don't load hex to MSP430F147。

Part Number: MSP430F147
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430-FLASHER,

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Detail of my output.txe.txt :

* -----/|-------------------------------------------------------------------- *
*     / |__                                                                   *
*    /_   /   MSP Flasher v1.3.11                                             *
*      | /                                                                    *
* -----|/-------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Evaluating triggers...done
* Checking for available FET debuggers: 
* Found USB FET @ COM9 <- Selected
* Initializing interface @ COM9...done
* Checking firmware compatibility: 
* FET firmware is up to date.
* Reading FW version...done
* Setting VCC to 3000 mV...done
* Accessing device...done
* Reading device information...done
* Loading file into device...
# Exit: 59
# ERROR: File end error
* Starting target code execution...done
* Disconnecting from device...done
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Driver      : closed (No error)
* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

my hex size is 87.3 KB.But hex translate TI txt ,this is fine .How can I solve this problem? 

  • Hi Alvin,

    Please provide the trigger command set that you provide to the MSP430-FLASHER as well as the HEX binary image if possible. How was the HEX file generated, are you using a TI EVM or custom board, what FET tool and connection scheme is utilized, and what type of OS are you operating with?

  • Hi,Ryan

    Attachment is my hexfile and my target IC is MSP430F147. I use MSP-FETFLASH Emulation Tool  to connect MSP430F147 and my Msp430-Flasher version is 1.3.11. If you can load hex,please tell me.hexfile.7z

    Thank you!                                                               

  • Hi Alvin,

    I have not yet sourced a MSP430F147 device or similar to recreate the issue. However in reviewing your HEX file I notice that 0x8000 through 0x9DFF are located after 0xA000 through 0xFDFF but before the interrupt vectors (0xFFE0 through 0xFFFF) and that you have two end of file lines (:0080080177 & :00000001FF). The HEX file format is not expected by the MSP430-FLASHER and is likely interfering with its programming abilities.


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