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MSP430AFE252: Change TA1 PWM output based on SD24 input

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430AFE252, MSP430AFE253

Dear Sir 

Good Morning

We are working on Programming of MSP430afe252 MCU we programmed successfully.When we  change the value of CCR1 then duty cycle will changes successfully.

We sense change in ADC pin on PWM counter but PWM was not changed remain same at this time differential change in input of ADC  is occures .

We use below programming code .Please sir check it any issue with code then please sir provide me correct code or technical support.

//  MSP430AFE25x Demo - Timer_A, PWM TA1, Up/Down Mode, DCO SMCLK
//  Description: This program generates one PWM output on P1.1 using
//  Timer_A configured for up/down mode. The value in CCR0, 128, defines the PWM
//  period/2 and the value in CCR1 the PWM duty cycles.
//  A 75% duty cycle is on P1.1.
//  SMCLK = MCLK = TACLK = default DCO
//               MSP430AFE25x
//            -----------------
//        /|\|              XIN|-
//         | |                 |
//         --|RST          XOUT|-
//           |                 |
//           |         P1.1/TA1|--> CCR1 - 75% PWM
//  Naveen Kala
//  Texas Instruments, Inc
//  March 2011
//  Built with IAR Embedded Workbench Version: 5.20.1
#include <msp430afe253.h>

#define   Num_of_Results   8

/* Arrays to store SD24 conversion results */
unsigned int Ch0results[Num_of_Results];
unsigned int Ch1results[Num_of_Results];
unsigned int Ch2results[Num_of_Results];

void main(void)
volatile unsigned int i;                  // Use volatile to prevent removal
                                            // by compiler optimization

  WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;                 // Stop WDT

  P1DIR |= BIT0+BIT1;                       // Set P1.0, P1.1 to output
  SD24CTL = SD24REFON + SD24SSEL0;          // 1.2V ref, SMCLK
  SD24CCTL0 |= SD24GRP+SD24DF;              // Group with CH1
  SD24CCTL1 |= SD24GRP+SD24DF;              // Group with CH2
//  SD24CCTL2 |= SD24IE+SD24DF;               // Enable interrupt
  for (i = 0; i < 0x3600; i++);             // Delay for 1.2V ref startup
  SD24CCTL1 |= SD24SC;                      // Set bit to start conversion

    P1DIR |= BIT0;                            // Set P1.0 to output direction
 // SVSCTL = 0x60 + PORON;                    // SVS POR enabled @ 2.5V
  WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;                 // Stop WDT
  P1DIR |= BIT3 + BIT1;                     // P1.1 and P1.3 output
  P1SEL |= BIT3 + BIT1;                     // P1.1 and P1.3 TA1/2 options
  CCR0 = 128;                               // PWM Period/2
  CCTL1 = OUTMOD_6;                         // CCR1 toggle/set
  CCR1 = 64;                                // CCR1 PWM duty cycle
  TACTL = TASSEL_2 + MC_3;                  // SMCLK, up-down mode
 // __bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE);       // Enter LPM0 w/ interrupts
 // _BIS_SR(LPM0_bits);                       // Enter LPM0
   	CCR1 = Ch0results[1]/500;//65535
   	P1OUT ^= BIT0;

#pragma vector=SD24_VECTOR
__interrupt void SD24AISR(void)
      static unsigned int index = 0;
      switch (SD24IV)
      case 2:                                   // SD24MEM Overflow
      case 4:                                   // SD24MEM0 IFG
      case 6:                                   // SD24MEM1 IFG
      case 8:                                   // SD24MEM2 IFG
        Ch0results[index] = SD24MEM0;           // Save CH0 results (clears IFG)
        Ch1results[index] = SD24MEM1;           // Save CH1 results (clears IFG)
      //  Ch2results[index] = SD24MEM2;           // Save CH2 results (clears IFG)


I am waiting for your positive reply.

Thanks & Regards

Giriraj Sharma

  • Amrit ram Dhaker said:
    We are working on Programming of MSP430afe252 MCU we programmed successfully.

    Can you clarify if you are using the MSP430AFE252 (with a 2 channel SD24) or a MSP430AFE252 (with a 3 channel SD24)?

    While your post says a MSP430AFE252 device is in use, the posted code contains #include <msp430afe253.h> and has commented out references to SD24 Channel 2 (which is the 3rd channel).

    Amrit ram Dhaker said:
    We sense change in ADC pin on PWM counter but PWM was not changed remain same at this time differential change in input of ADC  is occures .

    Some comments from looking at the code:

    1) The statements which enable interrupts are commented out. Therefore, the SD24AISR() ISR won't be called to update the Ch0results[] array which the main loop uses to adjust the CCR1 value.

    2) The SD24AISR uses the SD24IV value of 8 which is for SD24_A Channel 2 to read the conversion results for SD24_A Channel channel 0 and 1.

    3) The SD24AISR doesn't increment the static index variable, which means SD24AISR will always write to Ch0results index zero whereas the main loop is reading from Ch0results index one.

  • Amrit,

    I've created a new thread from this post as your request regards a different topic from the original thread. Please follow Chester's advice and closely evaluate the SD24 examples provided by TI before trying to merge them with the timer function. It would most likely be easier to start with SD24 code and add the timer peripheral accordingly.

  • Dear Sir
    we use MSP430AFE252 with 2-channel SD24_A.
    Thanks & Regards
    Giriraj Sharma

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