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msp430f4132: From a hardware guy, leaving no loose ends.....

Part Number: MSP430F4132

Hi Forum,

Here is a really lame question, but I just want to get started in the right direction.

Most all the pins on an LCD MSP430 are multiplexed with other functions. But not really multiplexed in the true form. Multiplexed by turning off the LCD completely, reconfiguring the pins to some other function, like an SPI port,  transferring the data, and then reconfiguring the port back to LCD drive, All done in time so as to not see a blink in the LCD.

Am I right?

Thank you,


  • Hi Robert,

    Thanks for posting. I'm assuming you're doing a hardware layout and you're trying to make sure that your pin selections aren't going to cause a conflict or issue for the software? Looking in the MSP430F4xx Family User's Guide section 25.2.5 LCD Outputs, there is a description of how the multiplexing of pins with LCD functions is handled in this family of parts (note for others: this may be different on later MSP430 families like F6xx or FR6xx - check their respective user guides).

    4xx user's guide said:

    The pin functions for COMx and Rxx, when multiplexed with digital I/O, are selected using the applicable PxSELx bits as described in the Digital I/O chapter. The LCD segment functions, when multiplexed with digital I/O, are selected using the LCDPx bits.

    The LCDPx bits selects the LCD function for groups of pins. When LCDPx = 0, no multiplexed pin is set to LCD function. When LCDPx = 1, segments S0 to S15 are selected as LCD function. When LCDPx > 1, LCD segment functions are selected in groups of four. For example, when LCDPx = 2, segments S0 to S19 are selected as LCD function.

    So you can select some pins to be LCD function and some pins to be other function, without having to do this quick switch that you are talking about - it will depend on how many LCD segments you need for your display. As you can see from the description, the minimum selection of LCD pins is going to be S0-15, so I would recommend avoiding those pins entirely for any other function - indeed, checking the MSP430F4132 datasheet, most of these pins are only muxed with GPIO, aside from some timer outputs that are available on some other pins as well. For any more segment pins you need beyond S0-15, you are limited in that you can only add additional LCD pins in groups of 4 and it will always be in a contiguous block down to S0. This may mean you have a few unused pins that have to be selected as LCD function simply due to the granularity of LCDPx only being in groups of 4 pins. If possible, I would recommend using other GPIOs for your other functions that are not going to be selected for LCD function by your needed LCDPx setting.

    Does this present a conflict with any of your functions - if so maybe we can discuss this if you can share what other functions will cause problems, how many segment pins you need for the LCD, etc.

    One more note: when selecting what Sx pins on the MSP to connect to particular segment pins on your LCD display, I strongly recommend reading through chapter 5 of this application note Designing with MSP430 MCUs and Segment LCDs - you have an opportunity in your hardware connection selection to ensure that the software for displaying data on the LCD can be as efficient and simple as possible.



  • Hi Katie,
    Thank you for the quick answer. After further reading, there are two parts that may be a better fit for driving 17 bcd digits, plus a few annotators.

    One is the FR4133, the other (and a great value) is the F6720A. (The FR6987 with the capacitive touch looks attractive as well. A bit on the expensive side, though.)

    The FR133 is set up as 4x32 segments as opposed to just 160 segments (4 plex). How difficult is it to rearrange the 4x32 segments to 128 individual segments? Is remapping possible, or is more time than it is worth?

    I'm trying to decide on which of the LaunchPad boards to order. Thank you for saving me so much time!

  • Hi again Katie,

    I read through LCD sections of the FR series, and now understand that the pics of the specific multisegment displays have nothing to do with the LCD driver. Just pics. 4x36 segments will work perfectly. The FR133 will work fine, and the programming looks easy enough.

    Thanks again,
  • Hi Robert,

    Great - glad you were able to find a device that fits better. The FR4xx has some other neat LCD features like being able to keep the LCD on in LPM3.5 mode and the reconfigurable pins (you can select LCD pins to be either the segment line or the COM line, so this makes it easier to make a nice layout). Thanks for posting.


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