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CCS/MSP430FR5972: MSP430FR5972

Part Number: MSP430FR5972

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi !

I'm use CCS 8.1.

MSP430FR5972 do not cohfiguring ;-((

I need Clock System Setup:

1)  Set DCO setting for 8MHz

2)  ACLK == from LFMODCLK and additional divide /2

my code is:


 PM5CTL0 &= ~LOCKLPM5;           // Disable the GPIO power-on default high-impedance mode
                                 // to activate previously configured port settings
// Clock System Setup
 CSCTL0_H = CSKEY >> 8;                    // Unlock CS registers

 CSCTL1 &= ~DCORSEL;                       // DCO range select. Set DCO setting for 8MHz
 CSCTL1 !=  DCOFSEL_6;                     // Set DCO setting for 8MHz 

 CSCTL2 != SELA__LFMODCLK;        // 010b = LFMODCLK  (ACLK == MODOSC/128)
 CSCTL2 != SELS__DCOCLK;          // 011b = DCOCLK
 CSCTL2 != SELM__DCOCLK;          // 011b = DCOCLK

 CSCTL3 != DIVA__2;          // ACLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the ACLK clock source. 001b = /2
 CSCTL3 &= ~DIVS__1;      // SMCLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the SMCLK clock source. 000b = /1
 CSCTL3 &= ~DIVM__1;      // MCLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the MCLK clock source. 000b = /1

 CSCTL4 != HFXTOFF;      // 1b = HFXT is off if it is not used as a source for ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK
 CSCTL4 &= ~VLOOFF;      // VLO off. This bit turns off the VLO. 0b = VLO is on
 CSCTL4 &= ~SMCLKOFF;    // SMCLK off. This bit turns off the SMCLK. 0b = SMCLK on
 CSCTL4 != LFXTOFF;      // 1b = LFXT is off if it is not used as a source for ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK

 // CSCTL5 ???
 // CSCTL6 ???

 CSCTL0_H = 0;       


is it correct ?

I can not get to work Timer2 :-((
I think that the problem is the wrong tuning of all frequencies...

code is:


//  Start init Timer2_A0 --------------

TA2CTL = TASSEL__SMCLK;       // Timer_A clock source select 00b = TAxCLK  01b = ACLK 10b = SMCLK
//TA2CTL != TASSEL_2;            // Timer_A clock source select 00b = TAxCLK  01b = ACLK 10b = SMCLK
TA2CTL &= ~ID__1;               // Timer A input divider: 0 = /1 , 1 = /2 , 2 - /4 , 3 - /8
TA2CTL != MC__UP;              // Timer A mode control: 1 - Up to CCR0
TA2CTL != TAIFG;               // Timer_A interrupt flag 0b = No interrupt pending
TA2CTL != TAIE;                // Timer_A interrupt enable. This bit enables the TAIFG interrupt request. 0b = Interrupt disabled 1b = Interrupt enabled

TA2CCTL0 &= ~CAP;              // Capture mode 0b = Compare mode 1b = Capture mode
TA2CCTL0 &= ~OUTMOD_0;          // PWM output mode: 0 */
//TA2CCTL0 != OUTMOD_1;          // PWM output mode: 1 - set */
//TA2CCTL0 &= ~COV;

//TA2EX0 &= ~TAIDEX_0;         // Timer_A Input divider expansion : /1

TA2CCTL0 != CCIE;     // Capture/compare interrupt enable. This bit enables the interrupt request of the corresponding CCIFG flag. 0b = Interrupt disabled 1b = Interrupt enabled
//TA2CCTL0 &= ~CCIE;  // Capture/compare interrupt enable. 0b = Interrupt disabled

TA2CCR0 = 16000 - 1;   //  500 interrupts per 1 second

//  End init Timer2_A0,  -------------------------------------------


is it correct ?

  • Hi Alexander

    I notice that you have a lot of lines in your code similar to this one on line 7.

    CSCTL1 !=  DCOFSEL_6;

    Do you mean to check this for inequality, or do you mean to "or-equal" it like this?

    CSCTL1 |=  DCOFSEL_6;

    The statements in your code that use the != only check if the two arguments on either size of the != are not equal.  They do not actually set the values of any bits in the registers.  The |= will set the registers to their current value, "OR-ed" bitwise with the other value.

    As well, can you explain what this code is intended to do?  The way I understand it, you're trying to set the DCO to 8 MHz, select the LFMODCLK as the source for the ACLK, and generate 500 interrupts per second using Timer2.  Is all of this completely correct?


  • thanks for the answer!

    CSCTL1! = DCOFSEL_6;

    I wrote on different C compilers, but more like "Kernighan + Richie C".
    The constructions I wrote - I meant this:
    to set the bit I want without changing the others:
    P1DIR | = BIT4; P1OUT | = BIT4; // Set P1.4 to output direction

    reset the bit I need without changing the others:
    P1DIR & = ~ BIT0; P1OUT & = ~ BIT0; // Set P1.0 to input direction

    "Bitwise OR" - the _result_ of the operation is 1 if one of the corresponding bits is 1, otherwise 0.

    Set to 1 the zero bit of the P1OUT port (for example) can be as follows:

    P1OUT = 0x01; // hexadecimal notation
    P1OUT = 0b00000001; // binary record
    P1OUT = 1; // decimal notation
    But at the same time we "spoil" (overwrite) all the others to beat in P1OUT.
    I need to install only one bit from the port (register) without changing the rest.

    if we want to set in 1 only the zero bit(for example) and not touch the others?

    In this case, you need to use "bitwise OR":

    set zero bit to one
    P1OUT = P1OUT | 0x01;
    or by using compound assignment
    P1OUT | = 0x01;
    As a result, we changed only the zero bit of the port.

    "Bitwise operation NOT" - changes the value of the bit to the opposite.
    This operation together with the bitwise NOT can be used to reset a particular bit to zero.

    reset zero bit
    P1OUT & = 0xFE;
    P1OUT & = ~ 0x01;

    With such a record, we put a bit into the unit that we want to zero, then invert the resulting number, Now apply the resulting mask. As a result, we put 0 at only the first bit.

    And the code of the program should be written so that you can read it later :)

    I'm trying to set the DCO to 8 MHz, select the LFMODCLK as the source for the ACLK,

    and generate 500 interrupts per second using Timer2.

    Yes. correct.

  • I can not get to work Timer2 :-((



    void _system_pre_init(void)
    /* Insert your low-level initializations here */
     WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;  // Stop Watchdog timer
    __disable_interrupt();  // Это специальная команда!  Это не прерывание.
     PM5CTL0 &= ~LOCKLPM5;           // Disable the GPIO power-on default high-impedance mode
                                     // to activate previously configured port settings
    // Clock System Setup
     CSCTL0_H = CSKEY >> 8;                    // Unlock CS registers
     CSCTL1 = 0;
     CSCTL1 !=  DCOFSEL_6;                     // Set DCO setting for 8MHz --- установка частоты 8_Мгц
     CSCTL2 != SELA__LFMODCLK;        // 010b = LFMODCLK  (ACLK == MODOSC/128)
     CSCTL2 != SELS__DCOCLK;          // 011b = DCOCLK
     CSCTL2 != SELM__DCOCLK;          // 011b = DCOCLK
     CSCTL3 != DIVA__2;      // ACLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the ACLK clock source. 001b = /2
     CSCTL3 &= ~DIVS__1;      // SMCLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the SMCLK clock source. 000b = /1
     CSCTL3 &= ~DIVM__1;      // MCLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the MCLK clock source. 000b = /1
     CSCTL4 != HFXTOFF;      // 1b = HFXT is off if it is not used as a source for ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK
     CSCTL4 &= ~VLOOFF;      // VLO off. This bit turns off the VLO. 0b = VLO is on
     CSCTL4 &= ~SMCLKOFF;    // SMCLK off. This bit turns off the SMCLK. 0b = SMCLK on
     CSCTL4 != LFXTOFF;      // 1b = LFXT is off if it is not used as a source for ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK
     // CSCTL5 ???
     // CSCTL6 ???
     CSCTL0_H = 0;                             // Lock CS registers
    //  Start init Timer2_A0,  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    TA2CTL = 0;  //  all bits reset to =0
    TASSEL__SMCLK;       // Timer_A clock source select 00b = TAxCLK  01b = ACLK 10b = SMCLK
    TASSEL_2;            // Timer_A clock source select 00b = TAxCLK  01b = ACLK 10b = SMCLK
    ID__1;               // Timer A input divider: 0 = /1 , 1 = /2 , 2 - /4 , 3 - /8
    MC__UP;              // Timer A mode control: 1 - Up to CCR0
    TAIFG;               // Timer_A interrupt flag 0b = No interrupt pending  1b = Interrupt pending
    TAIE;                // Timer_A interrupt enable. This bit enables the TAIFG interrupt request. 0b = Interrupt disabled 1b = Interrupt enabled
    TACLR;               // Timer_A clear.
    TA2CCTL0 = 0;   // all bits reset to =0
    TA2CCTL0 &= ~CAP;              // Capture mode 0b = Compare mode 1b = Capture mode
    //TA2EX0 &= ~TAIDEX_0;         // Timer_A Input divider expansion : /1
    TA2EX0 = 0;
    TA2CCR0 = 1000 - 1;   // may be 1000 per sec?  but really = 122(244) per sec ;-((
    TA2CCTL0 = CCIE;
    //  End init Timer2_A0  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Timer2_A0 interrupt service routine  -------------------------------------------------------
    #pragma vector = TIMER2_A0_VECTOR
    __interrupt void Timer2_A0_ISR (void)
         P4OUT ^= BIT2;                      // Toggle P4.2 using exclusive-OR (set-reset an LED)
         __no_operation();                       // for debugger


    Work !. but................

    TA2CCR0 = 1000 - 1;    may be 8000000 / 1000 = 8000 flash LED per sec? Yes-No?

    If 8Mhz / 1000 = 8000 ? Really ? ;)

    Really in my oscillograf i see 122Hz (meandr: 122Hz=0 and 122Hz=1)

    i.e: 8000000 / 65573 = 122 ???


    but really = 122(244) per sec ;-((

  • Hi Alexander

    I see you still have some exclamation points "!", where you should have OR operators "|".   To fix that, change every != to |= in your code above.  

    The other issue is the following lines

    CSCTL3 &= ~DIVS__1;      // SMCLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the SMCLK clock source. 000b = /1

    CSCTL3 &= ~DIVM__1;      // MCLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the MCLK clock source. 000b = /1

    DIVS__1 and DIVM__1 are both equal to 0x0000.  So, when you run these lines, they do nothing, because they set

    CSCTL3 = CSCTL3 & 0xFFFF;

    which does not change CSCTL3 in the first place.  To fix this, set CSCTL = 0 before making other changes to it.

    Finally, if you want to generate 500 interrupts per second, your pin will toggle every 2 milliseconds.  With an 8MHz Clock, that means you will want your counter to count up for 16000 cycles before triggering the interrupt.

    I used the following code to get the following output on a logic analyzer.  I made as few changes to your original code as I could.

    #include <msp430.h> 
    int main(void)
        /* Insert your low-level initializations here */
         WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;  // Stop Watchdog timer
         PM5CTL0 &= ~LOCKLPM5;           // Disable the GPIO power-on default high-impedance mode
                                         // to activate previously configured port settings
        // Clock System Setup
         CSCTL0_H = CSKEY >> 8;                    // Unlock CS register
         CSCTL1 = 0;
         CSCTL1 |=  DCOFSEL_6;                     // Set DCO setting for 8MHz
         CSCTL2 |= SELA__LFMODCLK;        // 010b = LFMODCLK  (ACLK == MODOSC/128)
         CSCTL2 |= SELS__DCOCLK;          // 011b = DCOCLK
         CSCTL2 |= SELM__DCOCLK;          // 011b = DCOCLK
         CSCTL3 = 0;             // Sets all source dividers to 1
         CSCTL3 |= DIVA__2;      // ACLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the ACLK clock source. 001b = /2
         CSCTL4 |= HFXTOFF;      // 1b = HFXT is off if it is not used as a source for ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK
         CSCTL4 &= ~VLOOFF;      // VLO off. This bit turns off the VLO. 0b = VLO is on
         CSCTL4 &= ~SMCLKOFF;    // SMCLK off. This bit turns off the SMCLK. 0b = SMCLK on
         CSCTL4 |= LFXTOFF;      // 1b = LFXT is off if it is not used as a source for ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK
         CSCTL0_H = 0;                             // Lock CS registers
        //  Start init Timer2_A0,  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
        //TA2CTL = 0;  //  all bits reset to =0
        TA2CTL = TASSEL__SMCLK + ID__1 + MC__UP + TACLR;
        TASSEL__SMCLK;       // Timer_A clock source select 00b = TAxCLK  01b = ACLK 10b = SMCLK
        TASSEL_2;            // Timer_A clock source select 00b = TAxCLK  01b = ACLK 10b = SMCLK
        ID__1;               // Timer A input divider: 0 = /1 , 1 = /2 , 2 - /4 , 3 - /8
        MC__UP;              // Timer A mode control: 1 - Up to CCR0
        TAIFG;               // Timer_A interrupt flag 0b = No interrupt pending  1b = Interrupt pending
        TAIE;                // Timer_A interrupt enable. This bit enables the TAIFG interrupt request. 0b = Interrupt disabled 1b = Interrupt enabled
        TACLR;               // Timer_A clear.
        TA2CCTL0 = 0;   // all bits reset to =0
        TA2CCTL0 &= ~CAP;              // Capture mode 0b = Compare mode 1b = Capture mode
        //TA2EX0 &= ~TAIDEX_0;         // Timer_A Input divider expansion : /1
        TA2EX0 = 0;
        TA2CCR0 = 16000 - 1;   // (8000000 cycles / 1 second) * (1 second / 500 interrupts) = 16000 cycles / interrupt
        TA2CCTL0 = CCIE;
        //Set P4 direction and output;
        P4DIR |= BIT2;
        P4OUT |= BIT2;
        //  End init Timer2_A0  ---------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Timer2_A0 interrupt service routine  -------------------------------------------------------
    #pragma vector = TIMER2_A0_VECTOR
    __interrupt void Timer2_A0_ISR (void)
         P4OUT ^= BIT2;                      // Toggle P4.2 using exclusive-OR (set-reset an LED)
         __no_operation();                       // for debugger

  • thank you very much for the help !

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