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CCS/MSP430FR5972: Timer0_B7 + Tertiary module function PxSEL0, PxSEL1.

Part Number: MSP430FR5972
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP430FR5969

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

Hi !

I'm use MSP430FR5972 - Timer0_B7

need Pin 26 for PWM (out pin) from TB0.0 to optoLED.

Clock form ACLK. No interrups from TB0 !

Dont work...  ;-(

my code is:


#include <msp430fr5972.h>

// int _system_pre_init(void)
void _system_pre_init(void)
/* Insert your low-level initializations here */
 WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;  // Stop Watchdog timer

__disable_interrupt();  // Это специальная команда!  Это не прерывание.

 PM5CTL0 &= ~LOCKLPM5;           // Disable the GPIO power-on default high-impedance mode
                                 // to activate previously configured port settings
// Clock System Setup
 CSCTL0_H = CSKEY >> 8;                    // Unlock CS registers

 CSCTL1 = 0;
 CSCTL1 |=  DCOFSEL_6;                     // Set DCO setting for 8MHz --- установка частоты 8_Мгц

 CSCTL2 = 0;
 CSCTL2 |= SELA__LFMODCLK;        // 010b = LFMODCLK  (ACLK == MODOSC/128)
 CSCTL2 |= SELS__DCOCLK;          // 011b = DCOCLK
 CSCTL2 |= SELM__DCOCLK;          // 011b = DCOCLK

 CSCTL3 = 0;
 CSCTL3 |= DIVA__2;      // ACLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the ACLK clock source. 001b = /2
 CSCTL3 &= ~DIVS__1;      // SMCLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the SMCLK clock source. 000b = /1
 CSCTL3 &= ~DIVM__1;      // MCLK source divider. Divides the frequency of the MCLK clock source. 000b = /1

 CSCTL4 = 0;
 CSCTL4 |= HFXTOFF;      // 1b = HFXT is off if it is not used as a source for ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK
 CSCTL4 &= ~VLOOFF;      // VLO off. This bit turns off the VLO. 0b = VLO is on
 CSCTL4 &= ~SMCLKOFF;    // SMCLK off. This bit turns off the SMCLK. 0b = SMCLK on
 CSCTL4 |= LFXTOFF;      // 1b = LFXT is off if it is not used as a source for ACLK, MCLK, or SMCLK

 // CSCTL5 ???
 // CSCTL6 ???

 CSCTL0_H = 0;                             // Lock CS registers

 P3DIR = 0; P3OUT = 0;
 P3DIR |= BIT0; P3OUT &= ~BIT0;     // Set P3.0 to output direction
 P3DIR |= BIT1; P3OUT &= ~BIT1;     // Set P3.1 to output direction
 P3DIR |= BIT2; P3OUT &= ~BIT2;     // Set P3.2 to output direction

 P3DIR |= BIT4; P3OUT |= BIT4;      // Set P3.4 to output direction  === OC2A ===

 P3DIR |= BIT5; P3OUT &= ~BIT5;     // Set P3.5 to output direction
 P3DIR |= BIT6; P3OUT &= ~BIT6;     // Set P3.6 to output direction

 P3DIR |= BIT7; P3OUT &= ~BIT7;     // Set P3.7 to output direction  === L_control

//  TB0.0 ===
// Pin 26 ====== P3.4 (RD)
//        or === UCA1SIMO
//        or === UCA1TXD
//        or === TB0.0
// - see datasheet for MSP430FR5972IPMR -

 P3DIR |= BIT4; P3OUT |= BIT4;      // Set P3.4 to output direction  === OC2A ===
 P3SEL0 |= BIT4;
 P3SEL1 |= BIT4;                  // Configure P3.4 for TB0.0

// --- Start init Timer0_B7  --------------------------------------------------------------------------

TB0CTL = 0;             // All reset
TB0CTL &= ~TBCLGRP_0;            // Timer0_B7 Group: 0 - individually
TB0CTL &= ~CNTL__16;             // Counter lenght: 16 bit 00b = 16-bit, TBxR(max) = 0FFFFh --- 01b = 12-bit, TBxR(max) = 0FFFh
                                                        // 10b = 10-bit, TBxR(max) = 03FFh  --- 11b = 8-bit, TBxR(max) = 0FFh
TB0CTL |= TBSSEL__ACLK;          // Timer_B clock source select: 00b = TBxCLK -- 01b = ACLK -- 10b = SMCLK
TB0CTL &= ~ID__1;                // Input divider. These bits, along with the TBIDEX bits, select the divider for the input clock. 00b = /1  01b=/2  10b=/4 11b=/8
TB0CTL |= MC__CONTINOUS;         // Timer_B mode control: 2 - Continuous up
TB0CTL &= ~TBIE;                 // Timer_B interrupt enable -- 0b = Interrupt disabled
TB0CTL &= ~TBIFG;               // Timer_B interrupt flag: 0b = No interrupt pending
TB0CTL |= TBCLR;                // Timer_B clear. Setting this bit clears TBR

TB0CCTL0 = 0;             // All reset
TB0CCTL0 |= CM_1;             // Capture mode : 00b = No capture  01b = Capture on rising edge  10b = Capture on falling edge
TB0CCTL0 |= CLLD_2;           // Compare latch load sourec : 10b = TBxCLn loads when TBxR counts to 0 (up or continuous mode).
TB0CCTL0 &= ~CAP;             // Capture mode 0b = Compare mode
//TB0CCTL0 |= CAP;
TB0CCTL0 |= OUTMOD_2;         // PWM output mode: 2 - Toggle/Reset 7 - PWM reset/set
//TB0CCTL0 &= ~OUT;              // Output. For output mode 0, this bit directly controls the state of the output. 0b = Output low --- 1b = Output high
TB0CCTL0 &= ~COV;             // Capture overflow. This bit indicates a capture overflow occurred. COV must be reset with software. 0b = No capture overflow occurred. 1b = Capture overflow occurred
TB0CCTL0 &= ~CCIFG;           // Capture/compare interrupt flag 0b = No interrupt pending 1b = Interrupt pending
TB0CCTL0 &= ~CCIE;            // TBCCR0 interrupt disabled
TB0CCTL0 &= ~TBIE;            // TB0 interrupt disabled

TB0EX0 &= ~TBIDEX__1;         // Timer0_B7 Input divider expansion : /1

TB0CCR0 = 0xFF;



in Pin 26 - no any signals...

Please help me.

  • You can check the work of my code if you have a "test board" MSP430FR5969
    MSP430FR5969 and MSP430FR5972 are almost identical, except for the memory size.

    The ADC and Timers works the same there.

    Thank you for your help
  • Hi Alexander,

    It appears for this device you want to set the P3SEL1.4 bit and clear the P3SEL0.4 bit.

    Let me know if that works for you.


  • Dont work :-(

    Now I see in P3.4  +3.2v without any impulses.  (oscillograf to pin 26 jn chip)

    1) variant :

    P3DIR |= BIT4; P3OUT &= ~BIT4;      // Set P3.4 to output direction  === OC2A ===
     P3SEL0 &= ~BIT4;                 // SLASE66B --- Table 6-22. Port P3 (P3.4 to P3.7) Pin Functions
     P3SEL1 |= BIT4;                  // Configure P3.4 for TB0.0

    Dont work. I see in P3.4  +3.2v without any impulses.  (oscillograf to pin 26 jn chip)

    2) variant :

    P3DIR &= ~BIT4; P3OUT &= ~BIT4;      // Set P3.4 to output direction  === OC2A ===
     P3SEL0 &= ~BIT4;                 // SLASE66B --- Table 6-22. Port P3 (P3.4 to P3.7) Pin Functions
     P3SEL1 |= BIT4;                  // Configure P3.4 for TB0.0

    Dont work.No impulser also. Voltage average 0.1v.

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