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CCS/MSP430F5308: Slow ISR response time to a DI port input

Part Number: MSP430F5308

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

-F5308 running XT2 = 8 MHz, takes over 300 us to respond to a rising edge interrupt from an opto-isolated 60Hz AC line zero-crossing pulse (from an H11AA1 IC).
In photos below,
blue trace is P1.4 toggled by the ISR,
pink trace is input to P2.0 that is configured as a rising-edge interrupt.
I realize the risetime is very slow, but assumed the port's Schmitt-trigger inputs can accept that.
Source code follows the photos.
Thx for anyone's thoughts...

and at expanded timescale:

Code that demo's the issue follows.  XT2 starts OK, MCLK can be shown to be the expected 8MHz, but long delay from rising pulse to 
response of ISR setting the output is a big problem in the overall application this code subset is from.

#include <msp430.h> int main(void) { WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // Stop watchdog timer P1OUT = 0x00; // P1DIR = 0xFF; // P2OUT = 0x00; // compiler likes init of port A P2DIR = 0x00; // only Bit 0 is used, as an input P2IES = 0x01; // select rising-edge response P2IE = 0x01; // enable its interrupt // Set up the XTAL clock on XT2 //************** P5SEL |= BIT2|BIT3; // Port select; XTAL to XT2 pins UCSCTL6 &= ~XT2OFF; // Enable XT2 UCSCTL3 |= SELREF_2; // FLLref = REFO // Since LFXT1 is not used, sourcing // FLL with LFXT1 can set XT1OFFG flag UCSCTL4 |= SELA_2; // ACLK=REFO,SMCLK=DCO,MCLK=DCO // Loop until XT1,XT2 & DCO stabilizes - in this case loop until XT2 settles do // note the "do - while" structure { UCSCTL7 &= ~(XT2OFFG | XT1LFOFFG | DCOFFG); // Clear XT2,XT1,DCO fault flags SFRIFG1 &= ~OFIFG; // Clear fault flags } while (SFRIFG1&OFIFG); // spin 'til osc fault flag ends UCSCTL6 &= ~XT2DRIVE0; // Decrease XT2 Drive according to // XTALfreq; 00 for 4-8 MHz, 01 for 8-16 UCSCTL4 |= SELS_5 | SELM_5; // SMCLK=MCLK=XT2 UCSCTL5 |= DIVS_1; // SCLK div by 2 // following steps direct MCLK onto P4.7, 'scope to conform 8 MHz clock PMAPPWD = 0x02D52; // Enable Write-access to modify port mapping registers P4MAP7 = PM_MCLK; // puts MCLK on P4.7 see UG pgs 431-432, & -5308 spec pg 48 PMAPPWD = 0; // Disable Write-Access to modify port mapping registers P4DIR |= BIT7; // MCLK set out to bit 7 P4SEL |= BIT7; while(1) // loop forever { __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); // sleep; only action happens in P2 ISR P1OUT ^= 0x01; // should never get here; toggle P1.0 if we do } } // #### Port 2 ISR - adapted from MSP430F530x_P1_03.c #pragma vector=PORT2_VECTOR // This ISR responds to an "AC Sync" DI bit __interrupt void Port_2(void) { P2IFG &= ~BIT0; // seems to need this (why? isn't clear automatic?) P1OUT ^= 0x10; // Toggle P1.4 at each Sync pulse }

  • Sorry can't seem to imbed the mentioned 'scope plots...


  • Hi Doug

    I can't see your picture.Could you upload them again?

    Could you help to confirm if the 300us is cost at  while (SFRIFG1&OFIFG); loop?(You can toggle a GPIO to do this)

    Best regards


  • I suspect you're encountering the "wake-up-slow" conditions mentioned in data sheet (SLAS677F) Sec 5.25. In the F5 series, if you don't take explicit action, that's what you get. The tipoff would be if you don't see this delay when the debugger is active.

    See also:

    which also has the solution. (It's in assembly, but the translation should be straightforward.)

    I'm not sure where the other 150usec is going -- maybe the slow rise you mentioned?

    [Edit: I just noticed:

    >   P2IES = 0x01;    // select rising-edge response

    This sets P2.0 for falling-edge [Ref UG (SLAU208Q) Sec]]

  • Gary, Post-holiday, I'll try moving the P2 IE 'til After the loop, but doesn't seem to be a concern since that wait loop should only execute at startup; my bug is continuous.

    And it would be great if my 'scope photos would show - that do while I'm composing my post but not later - any hints on how? it's a .png file; the "paste from Word" seems only to take text.

  • Bruce, that's it!

    I really hate getting caught making mistakes that obvious, but the correcting the edge-select fixes it; if I could get the picture to upload, it's show my interrupt pulse is slow rise time, and duration around 300 us at the 50% levels.  I took an 'HC14 inverter/Schmitt trigger out of the hardware but not the code!

    been using CC@ and '430s off and on for 10-12 years, but still find ways to mess up!

    thx to all for your replees

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