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CCS/MSP430G2131: usb fet was not connected error

Part Number: MSP430G2131
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-FET, DRV8837EVM, DRV8837

Tool/software: Code Composer Studio

sir usb fet was not connected error comming while debugging. i am checked with the device manager compared with msp4302553 in this case device manager is showing the com() ports of all,and now i am not getting the com port while i am connecting the drv8837pad on  msp430g2131, i am connected properly two sides of cable properly to pad.using ccs7 version

  • Hello,

    alwala vishnu said:
    sir usb fet was not connected error comming while debugging.

    Have you searched the forum for the issue you observe? There may be a solution already available. Are you using the MSP-FET or the older MSP-FET430UIF?

    [FAQ] MSP-FET: SOLUTION: Using newer MSP-FETs with older CCS or IAR versions

    alwala vishnu said:
    msp4302553 in this case device manager is showing the com() ports of all

    Is this a G2553 LaunchPad? Please be more specific.

    alwala vishnu said:
    now i am not getting the com port while i am connecting the drv8837pad on  msp430g2131

    Is this a custom board? If so, does the JTAG circuitry match what we recommend in the MSP Hardware Tools User's Guide?

    alwala vishnu said:
    i am connected properly two sides of cable properly to pad.

    I'm not sure what this means.



  • no i am not using msp fet ,i am tried to to use USB cable to debugging i have only that option.

    i am using only msp430g2131 board to debugging,not G2553.

    custom board am not using in this case ,

    i am using DRV8837evm .

    after connecting the DRV8837evm to CPU, i am not getting the board is connected to the communication port in device manager.

    while in other boards when i am connected to CPU,other boards are shown in device manager > in  communication port.

    i am also installed the msp 430 drivers in my PC, 

  • Hello,

    Thanks for sharing those details. It's very helpful to understand a larger overview of what you're trying to do.

    alwala vishnu said:

    no i am not using msp fet ,i am tried to to use USB cable to debugging i have only that option.

    i am using only msp430g2131 board to debugging,not G2553.

    I think I understand the issue. You're using the DRV8837EVM which uses a pre-programmed MSP430G2131 to control the DRV8837 device on this EVM. The USB cable is strictly used for power (you can confirm this by looking at the schematic) and cannot be used for debugging since there's no onboard debugger.

    To reprogram the G2131, you'll need to buy a MSP-FET or EZ430-F2013. In Section 2 Introduction in the DRV8837EVM User Guide, you'll find more details about this. The EZ430-F2013 can connect to J3.

    I hope this clears everything up.



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