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MSP430F2132: Working A2D Code Irratic When Not Through MSP-FET430UIF Interface

Part Number: MSP430F2132
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: CD74HC4511, MSP-FET

Good Day,

Have a bit of a dilemma retrofitting an older machine that has been plaguing me for a couple of weeks .
Can't see a glitch in my code so possibly looking at something in the MSP-FET430UIF interface app notes that I missed .

Simple a2d converson to a three block of 7-seg common cathode led displays.
MSP430F2132 through CD74HC4511 (one / 7 segment).
No multiplexing, simple toggling decoder enable.
MSP-FET430UIF interface for in-target debug.
A2D input from a 3.3V supplied 10k potentiomter with a 1k resistor on the pot wiper at A4 input pin.
All unused MSP430F2132 I/O pins grounded.

Target cct power supplied from a bench top regulated supply, with additional filtered regulators (5V & 3.3V) on target board.
Oscilloscope shows flat DC voltage waveforms .
CD74HC4511 enable signals are 3.3V direct from the MSP430F2132 with all CD74HC4511's 5V suppied at their mains.
Cct brd is clean and free of shorts with all leads intact and going to where they should.

Situation is code works smoothly when initiated and run from the PC through the MSP-FET430UIF to the target.
7 seg digits are stable other than random jitter on bit one (0 to 1 to 0) as expected from standard potentiometer input device.
When the cct is run standalone the a2d values are anything less than stable with differences of up to 100+ in displayed values.
Stand alone = disconnected from PC and MSP-FET430UIF interface, MSP430F2132 pin 7 (RST) tied hi, all cct devices active through bench top supply
Thought it was a timing or possibly noise issue.

Have tried:
-diodes on the pot + and -
-various zener diodes across the +/- of the input pot to stabilize readings
-high precision 10 turn 10K pots
-ADC10SC, SMCLK, MCLK clock parameters and all clocking dividers for a2d conversion
-raw a2d value direct to CD74HC4511's
-scaled a2d value direct to CD74HC4511's
-overly simplified decoding of a2d value into separate digits for transport to CD74HC4511
-multitude of delay sequences to slow/speed up the display and a2d processes
         -delays progressively down to 1 second per digit illumination still produced irratic displays during stand alone operation
-isolated grounds to negate ground loops
-separate 5V & ground benchtop power supply to run the CD74HC4511 devices
-different pc's

An off /off switch incorporated into the system (not part of the attached code) allowed stopping the a2d and recording the display O/P.
Although values appeared initially random, once enough were recorded a pattern of a 4 or 5 count between displays was evident.
A spacial difference of 4 was more predominant that 5 (i.e. 687, 691, 696, 680, 684)

I'm at a loss and don't have much hair left to pull out.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

#include "io430.h"
#include "in430.h"
#include "intrinsics.h"                                                         // libraries
#include "stdint.h"
#include "stdio.h"

// Firmware Variables
unsigned int    a2d_result = 0;                                                 // binary result from a to d conversion
unsigned int    cnt_val = 0;                                                    // LED_Display() value
unsigned int    delay_val = 5;                                                  // delay routine count
unsigned int    display_val = 0;                                                // value sent to individual 7 segment displays
unsigned int    old_a2d = 0;                                                    // holds current a2d value
unsigned int    save_num = 0;                                                   // holder variable in LED_Display()
unsigned int    x = 0;                                                          // general delay counter variable

// PORT 1  - Digital I/O
#define DISPLAY_FET_ON  P1OUT |= BIT4                                           // power to 7 segment displays on
#define BEEP_OFF        P1OUT &= ~BIT6                                          // system alarm off

// PORT 3 Digital I/O
#define O_ENABLE_HI     P3OUT |= BIT6                                           // CD74HC4511 enable/disable signals (x3)
#define O_ENABLE_LO     P3OUT &= ~BIT6
#define T_ENABLE_HI     P3OUT |= BIT5                                        
#define T_ENABLE_LO     P3OUT &= ~BIT5                                         
#define H_ENABLE_HI     P3OUT |= BIT4                                        
#define H_ENABLE_LO     P3OUT &= ~BIT4                                         

void Delay (void)                                                               // general delay 
 {for (x = delay_val; x > 0; --x)                                               
  {while (!(TA0CCTL0 & CCIFG))    {;}                                           
   TA0CCTL0 &= ~CCIFG;                                                          // Clear timer overflow flag
} }

void A2D_Sample (void)                                                          
 {old_a2d = a2d_result;                                                         // previous a2d value saved for comparison in main section
  ADC10CTL0 &= ~ENC;                                                            // Reset ADC10XTL0 register
  ADC10CTL0 = ADC10SHT_2 + ADC10ON;                                             // sample & hold time 16 clock cycles, ADC10 active
  while (ADC10CTL1 & ADC10BUSY);                                                // Wait if ADC10 core is already active
  ADC10SA = (unsigned int) &a2d_result;                                         // a2d value auto-transfers to a2d_result from ADC10MEM
  ADC10CTL0 |= ENC + ADC10SC;                                                   // start sampling routine
  delay_val = 5;
  Delay();                                                                      // a2d process settle delay
  cnt_val = ((int)(a2d_result * 0.977));                                        // scale a2d value to 3 digits - utilized in LED_Dispaly()
void Cnt_Send (void)                                                            
 {switch (display_val) 
  {case 0: P1OUT |= 0x00;  break;                                               // "0" value to be sent to BCD data buss
   case 1: P1OUT |= 0x01;  break;                                               // "1" value to be sent to BCD data buss
   case 2: P1OUT |= 0x02;  break;                                               // "2" value to be sent to BCD data buss
   case 3: P1OUT |= 0x03;  break;                                               // "3" value to be sent to BCD data buss
   case 4: P1OUT |= 0x04;  break;                                               // "4" value to be sent to BCD data buss
   case 5: P1OUT |= 0x05;  break;                                               // "5" value to be sent to BCD data buss
   case 6: P1OUT |= 0x06;  break;                                               // "6" value to be sent to BCD data buss
   case 7: P1OUT |= 0x07;  break;                                               // "7" value to be sent to BCD data buss
   case 8: P1OUT |= 0x08;  break;                                               // "8" value to be sent to BCD data buss
   case 9: P1OUT |= 0x09;  break;                                               // "9" value to be sent to BCD data buss

void LED_Display (void)                                                         // break down a2d value to individual numbers (100's, 10's 1's)
 {display_val = (cnt_val / 100);                                                // hundreds display value
  save_num = (display_val * 100);                                               // save hundreds value (integer form) to be used in 10`s calculation
  P1OUT &= 0xF0;                                                                // reset port 1, bits 1 thru 3 - BCD data buss 
  Cnt_Send();                                                                   // port 1 bits 0 to 3 data buss preparation routine
  H_ENABLE_LO;                                                                  // 100's digit CD74HC4511 enable signal on
  delay_val = 10;
  H_ENABLE_HI;                                                                  // 100's digit CD74HC4511 enable signal off
  delay_val = 10;
  display_val = (((cnt_val - (save_num)) / 10));                                // tens display value 
  save_num = ((save_num) + (display_val * 10));                                 // save hundreds value (integer form) to be used in 10`s calculation                
  P1OUT &= 0xF0;                                                                // reset port 1, bits 1 thru 3 - BCD data buss 
  Cnt_Send();                                                                   // port 1 bits 0 to 3 data buss preparation routine
  T_ENABLE_LO;                                                                  // 10's digit CD74HC4511 enable signal on
  delay_val = 10;
  T_ENABLE_HI;                                                                  // 10's digit CD74HC4511 enable signal off
  delay_val = 10;
  display_val = (cnt_val - (save_num));                                         // ones display value
  P1OUT &= 0xF0;                                                                // reset port 1, bits 1 thru 3 - BCD data buss 
  Cnt_Send();                                                                   // port 1 bits 0 to 3 data buss preparation routine
  O_ENABLE_LO;                                                                  // 1's digit CD74HC4511 enable signal on
  delay_val = 10;
  O_ENABLE_HI;                                                                  // 1's digit CD74HC4511 enable signal off
  delay_val = 10;
  P1OUT &= 0xF0;                                                                // ensure all CD74HC4511 enable signals are off
  cnt_val = 0;                                                                  // reset cnt_val to 0000 (debug tool to ensure new value in cnt_val for each pass thru) 

#pragma vector=TIMER0_A0_VECTOR                                                 // timer_a interrupt
  __interrupt void Timer0_A0 (void)
 { } 

void main (void)
 {WDTCTL = WDTPW + WDTHOLD;                                                     // stop watchdog timer
  BCSCTL1 = XT2OFF;                                                             // oscill2 off

  P1DIR = 0xFF;                                                                 // port 1: all outputs
  P1SEL = 0x00;                                                                 // port 1: digital I/O                                                              
  P1REN = 0x00;                                                                 // port 1: pull up resistors off 
  P1OUT = 0x20;                                                                 // port 1: all outputs in low state except P1.5 LED off(1), P1.6 beeper off(0)
  P3DIR = 0xFF;                                                                 // port 3: all output
  P3SEL = 0x00;                                                                 // port 3: all digital I/O
  P3REN = 0x00;                                                                 // port 3: pull up resistors off
  P3OUT = 0xFF;                                                                 // port 3: pins 1-6 hi (bcd to 7 seg chip enables off) (1111 1111)
   __enable_interrupt(); 	                                                // enable all interrupts

// TA0 - alarm & Delay() timers
  TA0CCR0 |= 990;                                                               // material counter & delay timers
  TA0CCTL0 |= CCIE;                                                             // enable TA0CCR0 interrupt flag at count overflow              
  TA0CTL = TASSEL_2 + MC_1 + ID_0 + TACLR;                                      // smclk source, up mode, /1, clear counter 
  ADC10CTL0 = SREF_0 + ADC10SHT_2 + ADC10ON;                                    // *16,ADC10 register active
  ADC10CTL1 = INCH_4 + ADC10DIV_0 + ADC10SSEL_0 + CONSEQ_0;                     // A4,ADC10SC bit,
  ADC10AE0 |= 0x04;                                                             // enable control register - analog input A4 enabled
  ADC10DTC1 = 0x001;                                                            // enable data transfer control register, 1 block transfer

  DISPLAY_FET_ON;                                                               // turn 7 segment display power
  delay_val = 5;                                                                // 7 segment display settle delay
  LED_Display();                                                                // initial speed display - required to illuminate display
  while (1)                                                                     
   {A2D_Sample();                                                               // a2d sample
    if (((a2d_result + 3) < old_a2d) || ((a2d_result - 3) > old_a2d))           // a2d value change > 3 count 
 } }

  • Hello L Beck,

    You indicated the RST is pulled high when the MSP-FET is disconnected. What value resistor do you use?  Do you also have a 1nF cap on RST to ground?

    Do you have a simple diagram showing the MSP-FET connections to the MSP430?

    Do you have any resistors/capacitors on any of the other JTAG pins?

  • Dennis, thank you for the quick reply.

    My connection between the MSP-FET and the MSP430 is the standard 2 wire JTAG config as outlined on page 22 in the MSP430 Hardware Tools Users guide. No deviations from T.I.'s cct.

    RST is direct to 3.3V, no resistor or cap. Never crossed my mind to filter variances on the RST pin.

    I'll give that a go.


  • I'm a little confused here...if you have RST tied direct to 3.3V, how does the MSP-FET control that pin during programming?  It needs to pull it low as part of its programming/debug operation.

  • Apologies for the confusion. RST is tied hi only during stand alone operation. During programming a jumper is lifted to isolate the RST pin from 3.3V, leaving it soley available to the MSP-FET. 

    I ran a few more test passes with a 1nf cap, with and without a range of resistor values/filters on the RST pin during standalone operation as per your suggestion. Unfortunately results were the same with irratic a2d displays when not controlled throught the MSP-FET. With this only being a two sided board internal trace shorts are not an issue.

    The cct under test has a second set of three 7 seg displays (displays a running count value) with their segment inputs tied in a buss config to the corresponding element of the displays used to represent the a2d value. 1's positions to 1's, 10's to 10's, 100's to 100's. (not all identical segments of all of the display elements tied in an 8 line buss).

    I swapped out the MSP430F2132 - PORT 3 pin allocations utilized for the CD74HC4511 enable signals to the a2d display, to those of the PORT1 counter value display enables to move the a2d value to the second set of 7 segs. The irratic a2d value behavior followed the redirection to the second set of display blocks with the count values, now on the original a2d display, remaining stable as they do in both MSP-FET operation and stand alone.

    Also dropped filter caps off of the a2d display 7 seg cathodes in case noise issue stemmed from there. No difference.
    I'm sure this bug is staring me in the face.

  • Ok, this is looking more and more like it's related to the A/D.

    To eliminate other possibilities you probably have already tried this but if instead of writing the A/D result to the display write a fixed value, both with and without the debugger?

  • I had the same thought a few days back prior to my post.

    With all a2d code blanked and a fixed value set to display, the visual was stable through the interface and mildly irratic running stand alone. And I say mildly in comparision to the continual a2d calculations which seemed to exacerbate the issue.

    As the MSP_FET is, for all intents and purposes, running real time from the target with only mild retarding of execution due to data tranmission from the PC performance with or without the MSP-FET was expected to be consistant. Assuming those conditions I could see no other conclusion than the possibility of some anomaly or missed parameter in the MSP-FET, or a processor that had gone astray. Ultimately hoping I didn't have to tunnel through a machine to replace part(s).

    I think I will have to accept that the MSP-FET may be compensating for an issue in a failed processor and I am going to have replace the chip, or piggyback an update and retro fit. 

    Thank you for stepping up and offering your assistance with this Dennis. I am going to close this issue with a resolved status and move forward with this from a failed circuitry perspective .

    Thank you again,

     L .

  • Before we throw in the towel, I'm looking at the CD74HC4511 specifications and see that maybe you might not be meeting the VIH specification for 5v.

    Perhaps when the MSP-FET is connected, and depending on how you have it configured, it may be helping pull your local +3v3 slightly higher, enough to satisfy the VIH specification.  Measure your +3v3 with and without MSP-FET and see if it changes.

  • Original I/O analysis prior to my post: 3.28V at BCD inputs thru MSP-FET, 3.21V stand alone, well within spec.

    3.34V and 3.27V respectively at enable pins.

    MSP-FET tested and fully functional.

    As components feeding all six 7 seg blocks are identical the counter value would also be affected by insufficient voltages, which it is not.

    7 seg data lines are bussed therfore all BCD input values originate from the same 4 processor output pins.

    Irratic values follow whichever 3 block display the a2d value is sent to, with the count value being stable on the other, showing enable and BCD signal O/Ps are not corrupt.

    Again slowing the display flash rate shows a 4 count repetition of error which brings everything full circle back to the 4 count error situation stated in my original post.

    Indications point to malfunctioning processor a2d, prior to BCD decoders.

    Thank you for your time.

  • Hello L Beck,

    Here some simple things you might try and let me know what you discover.

    1) Instead of converting CH4, try converting the internal temp sensor on CH10 or (VCC-VSS)/2 on CH11.

    2) In combination with 1) above, try using the ADC10 internal REF2_5 or REF1_5 instead of VCC.

    3) Looks like you are using the ADC10OSC (5MHz) internal clock source. Try the MCLK.

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