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MSP430F417:stepper motor drive

Part Number: MSP430F417

Hello  everyone.

I'm new to this forum and i am trying to drive a stepper motor using MSP430F417. What I want to do is just let the motor stop after a certain angle of rotation.
I am writing my code in CCS and as there are not many examples on the internet, I am quite confused. Could you please tell me where I made a mistake?
here is my code:

here is my code:

                #include <msp430.h>

                #define SM_clk 1000000
                #define servo_freq 50
                #define Stepper BIT4

                int step=0;

                void main(void)
                    WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;   // stop watchdog timer

                    int PWM_periyot =SM_clk/servo_freq;        
                    P1DIR = 0xFF;
                    P2DIR = 0XFF;
                    P3DIR = 0xFF;
                    P4DIR = 0XFF;
                    P5DIR = 0xFF;
                    P6DIR = 0XFF;

                    P2IE  |= BIT1;
                    P2IES |= BIT1;
                    P2IFG &= BIT1;

                    CCR1 = TAIE;
                    TA1CCR1 = PWM_periyot;        
                    TA1CCR1 = 0;                    
                    TA1CCTL1 = OUTMOD_7;


                #pragma vector=TIMER1_A0_VECTOR
                __interrupt void Timer_A(void){


                    case 0:
                        TA1CCR1 = 600; 

                    case 1:
                        TA1CCR1 = 1125; 

                    case 2:
                        TA1CCR1 = 1650;                      

                    case 3:
                        TA1CCR1 = 2175;              

                    case 4:
                        TA1CCR1 = 2700;               


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