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Other Parts Discussed in Thread: MSP-TS430PZ100, MSP430FR5969, MSP430F5659, MSP-TS430PZ100A, MSP-TS430PZ100D, MSP-TS430PZ100B, MSP-FET

There appears to be an external oscillator on the board, but it says "not assembled".  Also, when setting up a UART, it doesn't respond which indicates that it is not connected.  This oscillator is required for UARTs.

There is not enough information in the doc slau278v to show how to connect this. 

Can you help?

  • Hi Timothy,

    Our target socket boards like the MSP-TS430PZ100 board typically provide pads for connecting a crystal oscillator, but don't have the crystal oscillator itself populated by default. You can find how to connect the 32kHz crystal, by seeing p. 119 section B.27 MSP-TS430PZ100, where it shows the schematic. Observe that Q1 is the place to populate the low frequency crystal oscillator for LFXTCLK. There are also provided the pads C1 and C2 for the load caps for the crystal, which would also need to be populated. Figure B-54 further shows where you can find the LFXTAL pads location on the board and the pads for C1 and C2 - these are also all labeled in the silkscreening on the board. You can find more information about the crystal recommendation in the BOM on Table B-28 in the entry for Q1, and the caps.

    I hope that this helps get you up and running,

  • Hi Katie,

    Thanks for the quick answer.  I'm wondering why none of that is populated.  I ordered the crystal but now I have to go buy the caps.  I've already looked at those docs but none of that was made clear on them.

    Does your nomenclature "DNP" mean you didn't install that component?

    I also wanted to mention something else.  It appears that the FET with this board does NOT support the MSP430F5969 which is our target.  The IDE keeps asking for an update but it still doesn't find the 430.  When it put the old M430FG4619 back in it starts talking right away.  Since I see lots of postings about this not working I wonder why you don't state that in the doc.

    Thanks again,


  • Hi Timothy,

    In PCB design, DNP is an industry standard acronym standing for "Do Not Place". This is an instruction for those manufacturing the board, that while there are pads here for this component, not to populate it. The reason it is not populated by default on this board, is that a crystal is not necessary for normal  operation of the board, we just provide a place to put it if your application happens to need one. For needing caps for your crystal, this is described in the device user's guide - depending on which MSP device is used, some have internal caps that you can set with software, while others require external caps. You'll have to consult the device specific user's guide and datasheet for this information. There's also an app note available on crystal oscillators and cap selection,

    For your question about the FET:

    Are you using the MSP430FR5969 - I was not sure? The MSP-TS430PZ100 target board supports the F43x and F44x families, not FR59xx. You can see the devices mentioned in SLAU278 in the corner of the schematic: "MSP430: Target-Socket MSP-TS430PZ100 for F43x and F44x". The MSP430FR5969 device does not have the same pinout as the MSP430F43x or F4x devices - you can see this if you compare the datasheets - this is why they need different target socket boards. You can also find this information on the tools page for the MSP-TS430PZ100 the devices linked at the bottom of the page.

    The best place to find the right tool to support your device is the product page for that device - under tools and software you'll find links to target boards that support the part. This is the correct target board for the MSP430FR5969 device: You will need MSP430FR5969 in the 48-pin package to use that board. We do not provide boards for every possible package variant of every device - rather we provide the target socket board for the main sample-able package of the device, which is in this case the 48-pin QFN (RGZ) package. When you get further into development you will have to design your own application prototype board using the package that you want in your final application.

    One final note - you may or may not need an external crystal for UART communication - it will depend on the baud rate and accuracy needed, as well as potentially the impact of wakeup time from the low power mode used in relation to the baud rate you are using. It can be a good idea to use one though.

    I hope this helps to make things clearer, and sorry for the confusion.



  • Hi Katie,

    You're the only one that has been helpful. "MSP430F5969" is not the one. I made a mistake. It's the "MSP430F5659". Sorry. It definitely does NOT find it. The internal oscillator is not accurate enough for the 9600 baud rate. It doesn't work and many postings will echo this.

    Thanks again.

  • Hi Timothy,

    timothy hornsby said:
    "MSP430F5969" is not the one. I made a mistake. It's the "MSP430F5659".

    Ah I see - I've made the same typo myself before.

    For the MSP430F5659, this device also is unfortunately not supported by the MSP-TS430PZ100 board. The MSP430F5659 board is supported by the tools listed here: This means you need to use the MSP-TS430PZ100USB board for this device: As you can see in SLAU278 where you were looking before, there are many different MSP-TS430PZ100x boards (MSP-TS430PZ100A, MSP-TS430PZ100B, MSP-TS430PZ100C, MSP-TS430PZ100D, MSP-TS430PZ100USB, etc), to accommodate all of the different pinouts for different device variants that have 100 pin packages.

    So unfortunately, you need a different board. The MSP-FET is not recognizing the part because it isn't connected to the right pins of the MSP430F5659 device, since it has a different pinout than the F4xx parts supported by the MSP-TS430PZ100 board you have.

    timothy hornsby said:
    You're the only one that has been helpful

    I'm really sorry to hear that. Hopefully we can help you to have a better experience going forward.  



  • Hi Katie,

    Thanks so much for your help. We're friends now. That's a good thing.

    I'll try not to bother you anymore. Hopefully things will now work ok.


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