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MSP-EXPCC430RFX: Problem with reading with ADC reading because VRef+ has peek

Part Number: MSP-EXPCC430RFX

The problem I have is that I have a peak in the measurement (voltage in a temperature probe (NTC)) equivalent to the ambient light sensor.

I have verified that voltage peaks are generated in Vref, which distorts the measurement.

How can I make sure I do not have any variation in Vref voltage?

It may be due to some interruption (for I2C with memories, with SMPL_ with radio link (868), serial port communication, watchdog, pushbuttons, timer ...).

I put the code in which I enable the tension, and then I read of the adc

__bis_SR_register(LPM0_bits + GIE); 

void HalAdcStartRead(void)

ADC12IFG = 0x00; // Clear all ADC12 channel int flags
REFCTL0 |= REFON; // Turn on ADC12 reference
__delay_cycles(12000); // delay for reference to settle
ADC12IE = BIT2; // Enable channel A2 interrupt
ADC12CTL0 |= ADC12ENC | ADC12SC ; // Start conversion


void HalAdcConvertTempVcc(c)

unsigned char i;
IntDegF = 10*(SavedADC12MEM3*m + c)*((float)9/5) + 320;

for (i=0;i<110;i++) //tamaño tabla

IntDegCS1 = i-32;

for (i=0;i<110;i++)
IntDegCS2 = i-32;

Vcc = (SavedADC12MEM4 * 30) >> 12;
Vbat= (SavedADC12MEM2 * 30) >> 12;


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