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MSP430FR2422: RTC not behaving --- how to?

Part Number: MSP430FR2422

I have an application that I want to boot into LPM3 with P1.1 enabled as a switch....Upon pushing this switch I want a PWM to operate AND I enable the RTC at once per second.  I exit P1 interrupt still sleeping.  The hope is that after 100 seconds a counter in the RTC recognizes this and puts the device into LPM3.5.  Upon coming out of 3.5 I attempt to clear PMMREGOFF and force a brownout which puts me back at 'normal' mode.  None of this seems to be happening correctly....The code below after pushing the button starts the PWM then after about 2 seconds of flashing the LED just stays on.  I am finding it EXTREMELY difficult to work with this LPM3.5/RTC.  I constantly am trying to pause the debugger to reboot but CCS will have non of it and tends to lock up.  Can someone give me suggestions on both what I am doing wrong in the code as well as why CCS keeps wanting to lock up?  BTW. The RTC #2 program under this part and resource explorer does similar.  I've cut and pasted it just changing the IO to my IO and CCS still wanders off.  I have loaded the RTC #1 program onto the board and it works fine (every second it just toggles the IO in the RTC).

I would ultimately like to go into LPM3 after the PWM is over (my understanding is PWM won't work below LPM3) and reboot to a state of just very low power ie 3.5 until someone pushes the button again.


CCS when pause is pushed responds with:

MSP430: Trouble Halting Target CPU: Internal error

#include <msp430.h> 
#include "funct.h"

volatile unsigned int count;
volatile unsigned int flag = 0;

int main(void)
    WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD;	// stop watchdog timer

    //small macro to flash LED to show a reset has occured.
    PM5CTL0 &= ~LOCKLPM5;
    P1OUT &= ~BIT4;
	if (SYSRSTIV == SYSRSTIV_LPM5WU) { //wake up from LPM3.5?
	    flag = 0;
	    PMMCTL0 &= ~PMMREGOFF; //clear LPM3.5 bit
	    PMMCTL0 |= PMMSWBOR; // force reboot to normal
	else { //no?
	    __bis_SR_register(LPM3_bits + GIE); //LPM3.5 entry point
	return 0;

#pragma vector = RTC_VECTOR
__interrupt void thirtyMinuteCounter(void)
    switch(__even_in_range(RTCIV, RTCIV_RTCIF))
        case RTCIV_NONE : break;            // No interrupt pending
        case RTCIV_RTCIF:                   // RTC Overflow
            if (count >= 100)
                count = 0;
                PMMCTL0 = PMMPW; // Open PMM Registers for write
                PMMCTL0_L |= PMMREGOFF; //sets LPM3.5

#pragma vector = PORT1_VECTOR
__interrupt void ifNonLPM3_5(void)
    switch (__even_in_range(P1IV, 4))
        case 4: //P1.1
            configTA0_PWM(16384, 4); //3276
            configRTC(33); //1800

  • I don't quite understand why you're doing a BOR after restarting from LPM3.5 -- I'm pretty sure you're in "normal" mode already. I think example msp430fr235x_lpm3_5_01.c shows this, but it's not very didactic since it doesn't have anything else interesting to do.

    Keep in mind that your variables (count and flag) go back to 0 on a wakeup.

    Unsolicited: I've never seen someone go into LPM3.5 by "return"ing to LPM3. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work. On the other hand (being old and cynical) I'm a bit wary of any construct that (I suspect) no one has ever tried. Just keep an eye on it, that's all.

  • Bruce....

    I copied this from the other thread.....This is ultimately what I want to do but I'm not sure I can do this....I would like to copy a variable to back up memory....See questions below....

    Let me ask you this.....

    Should I be able to do the following?

    At power up wait until a switch is pushed.  After switch is pushed have a pwm operate for a period of time (this is governed by a counter in the RTCIV).  After this expires within the RTCIV I would then invoke LPM3.5 by setting PMMREGOFF.  I would like to come awake then again by the use of the same switch that was pushed earlier and at this action I would like the RTCIV to count to a different value.  So for instance you push 1.4 the PWM will operate for let's say 1/2 hour, then I go into LPM3.5 for a really long time let's say 50 hours (let's say all RTC registers stay the same (ie 30 minute interrupt) it is just a count variable that changes here).  At the same time as LPM3.5  is running and you are in the 50 hour window I would like the a press of 1.4 to awake you and turn on the PWM again.  


    Is the above possible to do in code or won't the RTC allow me to do this?

    Just prior going into LPM3.5 do I have to use some form of *(unsigned int *)BKMEM_BASE and if so how do I use this?  (I care about P1.4 having a pulldown and being interrupt capable)

    My next question is if I have a count variable within the RTCIV how do I store that value into let's say backup memory so that when I come out of LPM3.5?


  • Hi

    Maybe this document can help you with this application


  • Hi Gary...

    This looks interesting....I will look at this

    Thank you

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