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Part Number: SW-EK-TM4C1294XL
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: ENERGIA
Hi all!
We are using Tiva C series MCUs (TM4C1294XL and TM4C123GXL) for a project in IICDC 2019 but we are facing problems while implementing Controller Area Network protocol (CAN Protocol) using them.
I've attached the basic code for sending messages via CAN protocol form one MCU to other but the problem is, it is not doing so as a message sent from one MCU is received by itself and not by other MCU in the network. We've tried using the filters as well but no progress. Any help would be really appreciated.
P.S. - This code is for Energia IDE so the file extension should be ".ino".
CAN polling.txt
#include "inc/tm4c123gh6pm.h"
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "driverlib/can.h"
#include "driverlib/sysctl.h"


//! This example shows the basic setup of CAN in order to transmit messages
//! on the CAN bus.  The CAN peripheral is configured to transmit messages
//! with a specific CAN ID.  A message is then transmitted once per second,
//! using a simple delay loop for timing.  The message that is sent is a 4
//! byte message that contains an incrementing pattern.  A CAN interrupt
//! handler is used to confirm message transmission and count the number of
//! messages that have been sent.
//! This code uses the following peripherals and I/O signals.  You must
//! review these and change as needed for your own board:
//! - CAN0 peripheral
//! - GPIO Port B peripheral (for CAN0 pins) ==> Changed to Port E
//! - CAN0RX - PB4 ==> Changed to PE4
//! - CAN0TX - PB5 ==> Changed to PE5

// xmit object and buffer
    tCANMsgObject xCANMessage;
    uint32_t ui32xMsgData;  // buffer
// receive object and buffer
    tCANMsgObject rCANMessage;
    uint32_t ui32rMsgData;  // buffer

// Configure the CAN and enter a loop to transmit periodic CAN messages.
void setup(void)

    Serial.println(); Serial.println("============================="); Serial.println();  
    Serial.println("CAN polling test with Loop-back and Silent Modes");
    // For this example CAN0 is used with RX and TX pins on port E4 and E5.
    // The actual port and pins used may be different on your part, consult
    // the data sheet for more information.
    // The GPIO port E needs to be enabled so these pins can be used.
    // TODO: change this to whichever GPIO port you are using
    Serial.println(" (1) Enable portE");

    // Configure the GPIO pin muxing to select CAN0 functions for these pins.
    // This step selects which alternate function is available for these pins.
    // This is necessary if your part supports GPIO pin function muxing.
    // Consult the data sheet to see which functions are allocated per pin.
    // TODO: change this to select the port/pin you are using
    Serial.println(" (2) Configured pins");

    // Enable the alternate function on the GPIO pins.  The above step selects
    // which alternate function is available.  This step actually enables the
    // alternate function instead of GPIO for these pins.
    // TODO: change this to match the port/pin you are using
    Serial.println(" (3) Set CAN pins");

    // The GPIO port and pins have been set up for CAN.  The CAN peripheral
    // must be enabled.
    Serial.println(" (4) Enable CAN Peripheral");

    // Initialize the CAN controller
    Serial.println(" (5) Initd CAN");

    // Set up the bit rate for the CAN bus.  This function sets up the CAN
    // bus timing for a nominal configuration.  You can achieve more control
    // over the CAN bus timing by using the function CANBitTimingSet() instead
    // of this one, if needed.
    // In this example, the CAN bus is set to 125 kHz.  In the function below,
    // the call to SysCtlClockGet() is used to determine the clock rate that
    // is used for clocking the CAN peripheral.  This can be replaced with a
    // fixed value if you know the value of the system clock, saving the extra
    // function call.  For some parts, the CAN peripheral is clocked by a fixed
    // 8 MHz regardless of the system clock in which case the call to
    // SysCtlClockGet() should be replaced with 8000000.  Consult the data
    // sheet for more information about CAN peripheral clocking.
    CANBitRateSet(CAN0_BASE, SysCtlClockGet(), 125000);
    Serial.println(" (6) Bitrate set");

    // This example uses the CAN controller in Loop-back and silent mode for testing.  
    // It must be put into Test-mode, and then the loop-back and silent set.  
    Serial.println(" (7) Loop-back and Silent modes set");

    // Enable CAN
    Serial.println(" (8) CAN Enabled");

    // Initialize the message object that will be used for sending CAN
    // messages.  The message will be 4 bytes that will contain an incrementing
    // value.  Initially it will be set to 0.
    ui32rMsgData = 0;
    rCANMessage.ui32MsgID = 0;      // To accept all traffic, this must be 0
    rCANMessage.ui32MsgIDMask = 0;
    rCANMessage.ui32Flags = MSG_OBJ_USE_ID_FILTER;
    rCANMessage.ui32MsgLen = sizeof(ui32rMsgData);
    rCANMessage.pui8MsgData = (uint8_t *)&ui32rMsgData;
    CANMessageSet(CAN0_BASE, 3, &rCANMessage, MSG_OBJ_TYPE_RX);
    Serial.println(" (9) Rx object set up");

    // Initialize a xmit object
    ui32xMsgData = 10000;
    xCANMessage.ui32MsgID = 0x00001560;
    xCANMessage.ui32MsgIDMask = 0x1FFFFFF0;
    xCANMessage.ui32Flags = MSG_OBJ_USE_ID_FILTER;
    xCANMessage.ui32MsgLen = sizeof(ui32xMsgData);
    xCANMessage.pui8MsgData = (uint8_t *)&ui32xMsgData;
    Serial.println(" (10) Tx object set up");

    // Enter loop to send messages.  A new message will be sent once per
    // second.  The 4 bytes of message content will be treated as an uint32_t
    // and incremented by one each time.
    // Initialize the xmit buffer:
    Serial.println("== Init Complete ==================");
void loop () {
      // Send the CAN message using object number 1 (not the same thing as
      // CAN ID, which is also 1 in this example).  This function will cause
      // the message to be transmitted right away.
      CANMessageSet(CAN0_BASE, 1, &xCANMessage, MSG_OBJ_TYPE_TX);
      Serial.println("Msg xmitted");

      // Increment the id and value in the message data.

      // Now wait some time before continuing
      // Receive a message
      CANMessageGet( CAN0_BASE, 3, &rCANMessage, 0);
      // Check flags to see if new data has arrived. 
      if((rCANMessage.ui32Flags & MSG_OBJ_NEW_DATA)!=0) {
        Serial.print(" Received: [");
        Serial.print(") ");
        Serial.println(*(uint32_t *)(rCANMessage.pui8MsgData));