Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DRV8436, , DRV8256, DRV8873, DRV8714-Q1
we have ordered 3 nos of DRV8256PEVM ,on the board DRV8256PEVM is labelled, but when inspected, on 1 board DRV8X5X is labeled on the IC, in another 2 Boards DRV8436 is labeled on the IC. seems like same board EVM is designed to meet pinout of various ICS. but in our case we need to test DRV8256P. how can we test it.
our application demands 28V,5.5A DC brush motor. since on DRV8256P datasheet its mentioned it can handle up to 8A peak, can this chip handle 5.5A to 6.5A continuous current.
1.is there any application note about PCB layout thermal recommendations?
2. can we connect 2 or 3 DRV8256P in parallel, like inputs & outputs connected together to increase current handling capacity. or to reduce overall heat generated.
thank you
with regards
Dr.N.Chandra sekhar,Phd