Would it be ok to connect all of nSLEEP, nRESET and nFAULT together, to an MCU weak pullup high to enable and the nFAULT can still pull low to indicate a fault?
Breaking the question down into 3 stages:
1. Tie nSLEEP & nRESET together
2. Connect nSLEEP & nRESET to nFAULT
3. Tie all 3 signals to MCU with weak pullup
-3.1 MCU will pull all 3 signals high (when there is no fault)
- 3.2 nFAULT's 10mA capability will pull MCU's GPIO + Weak pullup to logic low during fault
nFault is OD with 10mA
MCU GPIO is weak pull up ~0.1mA equivalent