Hi Sir,
My customer asked for the resistor value about the current limit.
- Can we use 1 ohm for Risense ?
- Any concern if Risense > 1 ohm ?
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Hi Sir,
My customer asked for the resistor value about the current limit.
Hello Henry,
Thank you for your question and I will be happy to help you out today.
More information of this resistor can be found in section 7.3.5 of the datasheet:
As you can see the maximum value for Risense is 1ohm which will limit the current to 200mA. If you decide to use a higher resistor, then the current limiting threshold will drop according to the equation.
Because of this Risense should not be greater than 1ohm. If you want to turn off current regulation altogether, you can short the Isense pin to GND
Pedro Arango Ramirez