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DRV8428: M0/M1 connection for "0" and "1"

Part Number: DRV8428

Hi team,

Q1., suggested 10K PD for M0 and M1 pins.
How about PU? Can we use 10K PU to DVDD for setting to "1"?

In figure 7-11/12 it seems like have internal PD inside DRV8428

why still need 330K or 10K PD?


  • Ethan,

    Q1)  The inputs can be directly connected to a logic supply for a "1" and to GND for a "0".  No PD an or PU is required.  

    Q2)  The 330k ohm combined with internal pull-up current source and internal pull down results in a voltage between 1V - 1.25V.  This is only for M1 as it is a quad-level input.  So, not simply a "1" or a "0".  The input supports 4 levels (1, 0, HIZ, and 330k to GND which establishes the voltage level as noted in the datasheet).

