I'm currently using an DRV8704 to drive a linear motor actuator, When I'm measuring MOT0A vs GND, I can see a negative voltage of -8.7V, it’s quick, around 10ns.
I’ve tried to remove it by adding 2 Schottky diode, one between MOT0A and Drain, the other one between MOT0B and Drain. The negative spike is still there.
The DRV8704 setting are:
CTRL- > DTIME = 880-ns dead time
OFF -> PWMMODE = 1: PWM control mode
DECAY -> DECMOD = 000: Force slow decay at all times
DRIVE -> TDRIVEN = 11: 2.10 µs
TDRIVEP = 10: 1.05 µs
IDRIVEN = 10: 300-mA peak (sink)
IDRIVEP = 10: 150-mA peak (source)
When AIN1 = 0, we are in cost mode
I was wondering if the negative voltage can be damaging the DRV8704?
In the datasheet its abs maximum is -0.6V, even in the curve from datasheet ’’ Figure 19. Current Regulation ’’ we can see a -4V.