Dear sir or Madam,
we're using your Motor Driver DRV10974 for an Aquarium filter, which works if we don't use any grease between the rotor axis and the enclosure around the axis (in order to Keep the axis in its Position).
As soon as we put some greace in between the Motor starts for 10s (do the start up) and suddenly stops after 10s from start. We also see a small delay between the start up Routine and the closed loop Routine at the working axis without greace. Does this leads to a problem in your start up Routine? How can we fix this issue, that the Motor is always starting (also with greace in the axis)?
Since the working rotor is still working when we put a pressure on the rotor for me it's hard to believe that there is a problem with the current. What can we do to find out the root cause on the electrical side?
Thanks in advance for your help and best regards,