Other Parts Discussed in Thread: , DRV8962
Hi Murugavel4637, in a prior thread i was attempting to create a sinusoidal current wave with the setting you had shared. in using the eval board (full step at 6667 steps, using 1/256 automicrostepping), i was not able to create a wave that looked nearly as clean (sine wave) as what you had shown in the past thread. you had emphasized that the acceleration needed to be linear. you had also mentioned that you had removed a jumper to input the pulses separately. i was confused as full step/auto-microstep allows the GUI to input steps. you had mentioned that there should be no difference. would you explain again why you had removed the jumper and input pulses to the eval board? i used this motor (for example) and was not able to run this to 2000rpm. https://us.nanotec.com/products/375-st4118l3004-a . i'm not sure if i should try to snippet from the previous thread but i will and moderators can remove if needed.
thanks Murugavel.
thanks Murugavel.