1. TIDA-00195 is supplied from dc source. I want to use 3 phase 400VAC via bridge rectifier.
2. Can I use this equation for keeping bus ripple voltage under specific percentage?
VbusRipple= I(bus) / 6*f(line)*C(bus) = 10A / 6*50Hz*,0011F ≈ %5 Ripple for 600V Bus voltage.
3. Is %5 (max) ripple bus voltage reasonable for reliable induction motor application?
4. How can I calculate the DC BUS capacitor RMS ripple current? Could you suggest an equation by taking account switching frequency, bus ripple voltage and bus current?
5. Is it Using Aluminum Electrolytic and Film capacitor together (paralleled) for high RMS ripple current demanding application reasonable?
Eg. 1000uf aluminum electrolytic bus capacitor is sufficient for keep below the required max bus ripple voltage. But Rms ripple current is below the calculated. So can I use
low capacitance, high ripple current film capacitor as a complementary?
Best regards,