Hi, we are looking at using the DRV8328C 3-phase gate driver to replace an obsolete 2 phase gate driver in a customer project. We are looking at the DRV8328C because it has the same input configuration as the old driver. Our requirement is that we can't change the firmware driving the IC, so our input configuration must match the obsolete chip. The obsolete chip is used to drive a brushed DC motor.
Can we use only 2 phases of the DRV8328C and leave the 3rd disconnected? I'm concerned that we might get a fault, particularly if the BSTC pin has no voltage on it. Would it be as simple as connecting BSTC to BSTB to provide a voltage to prevent the fault? Are there any other concerns using on 2 phases of this chip?
If there is another 2 phase full bridge gate driver that meets the following requirements, I would much prefer that. But we can't find one in our searches.
Separate INHA, INLA & INHB, INLB, but it must have internal cross-conduction prevention and dead time insertion. The existing control firmware does not provide this.
nSLEEP that resets faults when the device is held in sleep
nFAULT to signal faults have occured
Thank you for your help,