I am driving a 48 V motor with an MCT8329A gate driver on a custom board. The speed of the motor is controlled by the user using a footpedal.
The MCT8329A is configured to:
- use IPD
- drive the motor with a PWM signal
- run in the Speed Loop
- use the linear profile
- drive the motor at a max 200 Hz, 12,000 RPM
When the pedal is pressed the nFAULT line is usually tripped, a 'CBC_ILIMIT fault detected' is shown in the CONTROLLER_FAULT_STATUS register (The GATE_DRIVER_FAULT_STATUS register showing 0x00000000), and a jolt is felt.
I've tried changing the various settings in the MOTOR_STARTUP1 EEPROM that relates to the IPD start up and MOTOR_STARTUP2 that relates to the Open loop, without much obvious change in behaviour (other than making things worse).
We are wanting to have a smooth start up. Any ideas on how to achieve a smooth start up, please?