Hello -
I would like to use the DRV8428P to drive two single coil latching relays (Coil 1 between AOUT1 and AOUT2, Coil 2 between BOUT1 and BOUT2).
The coils will be pulsed for ~50-100mS pulses every couple of minutes or hours. There is no PWM'ing required because the pulse is extremely short and once the relay latches, voltage is removed from the coil.
The voltage is 24V, the coil resistance is ~150 ohm.
My question is: If I do not need the current chopping feature that is set by VREF, how do I disable this. Can VREF be tied directly to my 1.8V rail that my MCU is using for GPIO voltage? Or does it need an input resistance or resistive divider?
Thank you