Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP-MSPM0G3507, SYSCONFIG
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I purchased LP-MSPM0G3507 and DRV8353Rx-EVM boards.
When we move the motor we have to constantly change max current.
From MSPM0 SDK I installed the “Sensorless FOC PMSM Motor Control” project.
The project is working well.
But there is no way to change MAX motor current when motor is running.
I then installed the "Sensored FOC PMSM Motor Control" project from MSPM0 SDK
The project is working well.
And that's when I found this opportunity. g_pMC_App->foc.closeLoop.currentReferenceSqrMaxSet.
And that works well.
In this project algoLib is there. For “Sensorless FOC PMSM Motor Control” algoLib is missing, but FOC_Lib.lib is connected.
- Can you tell me how can I adjust this max current when the motor is rotating?
- Or maybe you have algoLib available for sensorless project?